SAP Program HINULIST_REQUESTS - Claims / Advance Requests

This report displays details of the claims and advance requests createdthrough Employee Self-Service (ESS) based on the selectioncriteria.

In the Claims/AdvanceRequest section, specify the requiredselection criteria for request.

The report displays the Claim/Advance screen. This output screendisplays the following values:

  • Employee ID

  • Employee name

  • Company code

  • Reimbursement type

  • Type of request

  • This specifies whether the request is a claim request or advancerequest.
    • Request Date

    • This is the date on which a request was created.
      • Claim amount

      • This is the amount claimed in the request.
        • Status

        • This is the status of the report.
          • Approver name

          • Off-cycle

          • Whether the request is paid through off-cycle.
            • Reference number

            • This is the unique system generated identification number of a request.


              • To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen choose
              • Human Resources -> Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->India -> Utilities -> Claims -> List of Claims/ Advance Requests.
                • Enter the relevant selection criteria.

                • Choose Program -> Execute.