SAP Program HIECPENP2 - Irish Pensions Contributions Report

Pensions Report (HIECPENP2)

This report evaluates employee contributions to a pension scheme orschemes. Based on the selection criteria, you can run this report foran individual employee or numerous employees in the time framerequested.

Before executing this report, you must:
Ensure that the Pension schemes Ireland table (T7IEP) has beenmaintained so that it contains the most accurate data for the pensionschemes.
Ensure that the infotype Pensions Ireland (0361) has beenmaintained for each employee within your organization.

In the Period, Selection, and Pension Schemessection, enter the relevant selection criteria.
In the Display Options section, set the indicator for therelevant options. The options refer to the contribution amounts paid tothe pension scheme.
If the indicator is set for the option, the report will display thefollowing output:
Totals - Summarizes the total contribution paid to pensionschemes.
Dates - Begin and end date from the infotype PensionsIreland (0361) and the valid begin and end dates of the pensionplan.
Retro - Retroactive calculations
Pensionable Pay - Displays the employee's pensionable annualsalary
Payments - Lists the Employee, Employer, and the AdditionalVoluntary Contribution (AVC) to the pension scheme per payment.
Details - This output lists numerous details about pensioncontributions, including the percentage contribution amount perEmployee, Employer, and the Additional Voluntary Contribution (AVC).The output also lists the type of contribution to the pension scheme,the Rdate (pay date other than the normal payroll cycle) and wage typesused to calculate the contribution amount and shift premiums.