Title P45 Legislative Reporting Ireland (HIECP450) Purpose This report generates the following statutory forms, which are a part ofEnd-of-Employment Returns> (EOER) reporting in Ireland:
- P45 form: End-of-Employment returns of an employee for Revenue Online
Services (ROS) When an employee leaves your company and the final net pay iscalculated, you must issue a P45 form. This report generates the relevant data in P45 format for terminatedemployees. It provides you the option of generating the form in printversion and XML file format.
- P45 Supplementary form: Supplementary End-of-Employment returns of an
employee for ROS If you pay the employee any additional taxable amount after the issue ofP45 form, you need to report this to the government by issuing P45supplementary. You can generate P45 Supplementary only in the XML fileformat. Example An employee leaves the company on Jan 31, 2006 and receives a P45 form.In February, the employee receives EUR 1,000 from the company. Since youhave already issued P45 form to the employee for January, the reportgenerates a P45 Supplementary. It displays the employee's taxableearnings for February, which is EUR 1,000.Prerequisites P45 form> Before you generate the P45 form for a terminated employee, you need toensure that the following have taken place:
- You must have executed the termination event for the employee.
Note: The report prints the employment cessation date only if youprocess the leave event for an employee. Else, it lists the employee asa Special Case> at the end of processing. However, in this casethe P45 form is not complete and is therefore this not a valid P45 form.
- There must be a set of payroll results for the Payroll Period>
during which the employee termination took place. P45 Supplementary> Before you generate the P45 Supplementary, you need to ensure thefollowing:
- The employee has received P45 form upon termination.
- You must update the Tax Data Ireland> infotype (0359) with P45
form details of the employees. When you run this report to generate P45form, the system creates a batch input to update the Tax DataIreland> infotype (0359). You must process the batch input throughtransaction SM35.
- There must be at least one payroll result for the employee after the
issue of P45 form.
- There must be some taxable earnings for the employee after the issue of
P45 form.Features Activities On the SAP Easy Access> screen, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll> -> Europe> -> Ireland> -> Period-independent> -> Payroll-related area> -> P45 forms >. The P45 Legislative Reporting Ireland> selection screen appears. In the Selection> section, enter the employee selection criteria. In the Additional Data> section: Enter the name of the form to print the P45 form. If the employee is deceased, select the Employee Deceased >(Thiswill place a D> in the deceased field of the P45 form). Note: When you run the report for multiple employees with theEmployee deceased indicator >selected, the report displays D>in the P45 Deceased >field for all the selected employees. In the Batch Input for P45 details (Infotype 0359)> section: Select Create Batch input session (Check only in Live Mode)>indicator and enter the name of the batch input. Note: This batch input session updates the P45 Issued> indicatorand the Issued on> field of the Tax Data Ireland> infotype(0359). In the Issue date of P45 form> field, enter the date from whichthe P45 is effective. In case of issuing P45 Supplementary, the issuedate should be later than the issue date you entered while issuing P45form. If you select Create a new tax record> indicator when the batchinput session is executed, it will copy the most recent Tax DataIreland> infotype (0359) record, thus creating a new infotype record.The report changes most recent Tax Data Ireland> infotype (0359)record if you deselect Create a new tax record> indicator. To submit the form electronically, in the XML Generation> section: Select the Generate XML for P45> indicator. Enter the ERN for which you want to run the report. Note: You must run the report for each ERN seperately as it generatesthe XML file one ERN at a time. Enter the name and contact number of the person whom the ROS can contactin case of any clarification. Select the type of printer that you will use to print the P45 forms orP45 Supplementary. Execute the report. The report displays the P45 details for selected employee(s) in atabular format. It also creates a batch input session to update TaxData Ireland> infotype (0359). This shows if the empoyee has receiveda P45 form or not. For control purposes, rejected employee lists andother statistical information is also available. You can carry out the following actions from the P45 Report Listing>output screen: If you have opted for print version of P45 form>
- View/ Print P45 forms
Select the employees for whom you want to display P45 forms. Select the information icon located at the top of the list. A dialog boxappears Select P45 Forms>. Choose Enter>. The report displays the P45 forms. Note: Due to the physical nature of P45 forms you cannot print theseusing dot matrix or laser printers.
- View Rejected Employees list
Select the information icon located at the top of the list. A dialog boxappears Select Rejected Employees>. Choose Enter> The report displays a list of rejected employees.
- View Special Case Employees list
Select the information icon located at the top of the list. A dialog boxappears Select Special Employees>. Choose Enter> The report displays a list of special case employees.
- Start Batch Input Session
Select the information icon, located at the top of the list. A dialog box appears Select Batch input session>. Choose Enter> The report displays a list of open batch input sessions.
- View Statistics/Selections
Select the information icon, located at the top of the list. Select Information>. Choose Enter>>. The report displays Statistics and Selections> dialog box.
- Display Employee Master Data
Select the Personnel Number> of the employee for whom you want todisplay the master data. A dialog box appears, in which you have to enter an infotype number. Enter the required infotype number. Choose Enter>>. The report displays the relevant infotype. If you have opted for XML format for P45 and P45 Supplementaryreturns>
- View the total number of employees selected for processing.
- View the total number of P45 forms generated by the report.
- View the total number of P45 Supplementary forms generated by the
- View the total number of employees rejected. For this, select
Rejected Employees>. The list of rejected employees appears alongwith the reason for rejection. The employees can be rejected forfollowing reasons: Employee active This implies that the latest status of the employee is active. Employee is not terminated in the selected date range This implies that the employee termination did not take place within theperiod selected for report generation. Employee does not belong to the selected ERN as on the date oftermination Non-availability of proper infotype 0002 or infotype 0359 record for theemployee Payroll result absent for P45 form Payroll result absent for P45 Supplementary after the issue of P45 form P45 Supplementary: Issue date selected is prior to the existing issuedate This implies that the issue date on the selection screen of the reportis prior to or same as the existing P45 issue date on the employee'sTax Data Ireland> infotype (0359) record. If no payroll results exist after P45 issue, P45 supplementary cannot begenerated. P45 Supplementary cannot be run for 3 financial years This implies that you can issue the P45 Supplementary only within thenext financial year from the issue date of P45 form. P45 Supplementary PAYE and tax must be positive amount This error implies that P45 Supplementary earnings and tax is not apositive amount.
- Display P45 Supplementary forms. Select P45 Supp> to display all
the P45 Supplementary forms generated for a particular ERN.
- Display XML. Select Display XML> to view the XML coding that you
submit to the ROS.
- View the employees rejected. Select Rejected Employees >to view
the employees who are rejected along with the reason for rejection.
- Download XML file. Choose Extras> -> Save XML (PC)> to
download the XML file generated to the presentation server.