SAP Program HIECLJN0 - Payroll journal for Ireland

Payroll journal provides the main section of the Gross to Net (GTN)process. This process allows you to balance your payroll in followingdirections :

  • From gross to net

  • From the last payroll run to the current payroll run

  • The payroll journal is also a very powerful payroll reporting tool, forwhich you can create your own forms. You can use the payroll journal toreport other aspects of your payroll results as well.
    For general information on the payroll journal, see the InternationalPayroll Journal


    • There must be payroll results for the Payroll Area and Payroll Period
    • that you wish to examine.
      • Always run this report for one Payroll Area only.

      • You must have set the total payments, pension deductions and net pay
      • deductions wage types with evaluation class 03. Based on this evaluationclass the payroll journal picks wage types for total payments, pensiondeductions and net pay deductions. For more details on this evaluationclass see evaluationclass 03 documentation.
        Copy the following HR Forms from client 000 to your working client usingEdit Forms (Copy, Delete, Compare...) report ( RPUFRM00):
        IET1 andIEF1 - Header andcontinuation
        IEG1 andIEG2 - Gross tonet overview/balance
        IEG8 andIEG9 - Gross tonet detail
        IEI1 andIEI2 - Collectorof taxes remittance
        • Variant Maintenance

        • SAP highly recommends that you use the following standard reportvariants (SAP&BALANCE, SAP&PAYE, SAP>N_OVERVIEW andSAP>N_DETAIL):
          You must copy the SAP variants to your name range, and modify them withthe relevant Payroll Area.The standard variants, where a daterange is valid, are delivered with the current tax year.You mustannually up date this date range for the relevant tax year.
          If you want to make further modifications, you must bear in mind thatthe following parameters must not diverge from the setting on the SAPvariants:
          - In the period section, the date range versus period setting
          - In the Additional data section, the Date identifier
          - In the Additional data section, Print retroactive runs
          - In the Additional data section, Only display last result
          - For the variant SAP>N_BAL only, in the
          Additional data section, Print totals pages only
          Use this table for a quick overview of permitted values:
          Period,,Date range,,On,,-,,On,,On
          Period,,Payroll Period,,-,,On,,-,,-
,,Date identifier,,3,,-,,3,,3
,,Print totals only,,On or Off,,On or Off,,On or off,,On or off
,,Print retoactive,,On,,On,,On,,On
,,Only display last res.,,On,,Off,,On,,On
          • Processing modes

          • The following processing modes correspond to the four SAP standarddelivered variants:
            Run modes Non balancing employees and Collector of taxesremittance for one Payroll Period only. In this case, thereport only looks at the results for the current period or any periodyou choose in the past.
            Run the modes Gross to net overview/ non balance and Gross tonet detail using a date range that starts on the first day of thefirst period in the tax year and ends on the last day of the period youare examining. The reason being that this is compatible withoff-cycleprocessing. In these two modes, the report compares the prev
            ious two sets of results on the database. If either of these sets wasoff-cycle, then it will be found within the date range. These twoprocessing modes are also run with the report parameter. On the outputscreen, select Only display last result indicator to includethose employees who leave the company or the Payroll Area toinclude those employees who may not have results in the current period.

            The payroll journal always gives an in period view of yourpayroll results. This means, if you run the payroll journal for thecurrent payroll period, and it contains payments backdated to theprevious period (or any period in the past), the results shown will beas they were in the A results for that period. Any retroactivepayroll runs for that period are ignored.
            The payroll journal also filters out results during the date range whenemployees were not in the Payroll Area under consideration.However, the results for the retroactive payroll runs for the periodwhen the employee was in a different Payroll Area are notfiltered out. This is because a payment referring back to that period ispaid in the current period, for the Payroll Area underconsideration. Such a payment correctly belongs where it is paid outwith regard to the in period view described above.