SAP Program HIDCTAX1 - Annual Tax Report Indonesia

This report produces three forms - Form 1721, 1721 A and 1721 A1 forannual tax reporting in Indonesia.

Selection Screen
Apart from the logical database selections, a selection based on taxmodifiers can also be made. The user can also select any combination ofthe reports using the provided checkboxes. However, at least one reportmust be selected. Finally, the print format selection is provided toenable the user to select either SAPSCRIPT format or ABAP list to printthe output.

Note about Output
The summary screen produced after successful execution of the reportprovides overall results for all employees processed. It also providesa breakdown of the results per tax grouping, i.e., number of employeesprocessed for each tax grouping. It is further possible to obtain adetailed listing of all the employees processed by pressing thecorresponding button for each tax form on the application toolbar.
The ABAP list can be printed on both laser printer and dot-matrix(line) printer. The SAPscript output is recommended for laser printeronly.