SAP Program HFIUTCUL - Upload tax card (Finland)

Upload tax card (Finland)

This report allows you to read the up-to-date tax information returnedby the tax office. Based on this file, a batch input job is generatedto update infotype Tax card information (0205).

You must have sent the relevant file you created with reportDownload tax card (Finland) (HFIUTCDL) to the tax office.


Enter the following information:

  • Upload date, to specify which date the new entries in the tax infotype
  • should have as a start date.
    • Batch input job.

    • In addition, you set the following parameters:
      • Initialize base tax card

      • Sets the corresponding indicator in the tax infotype.
        • Initialize staircase tax card

        • Sets the corresponding indicator in the tax infotype.
          • Test run (no update)

          • Per default, this indicator is set. It allows you to generate the listwithout writing the output to the database.

            A batch input session is created, unless you have made a test run, inwhich case a simple list with the updated tax information is displayed.