SAP Program HFISPRS0 - HR-FI: October statistics for private sector

Private Sector Annual Statistics for Hourly & Monthly Workers

The purpose of the program is to produce a statistics file that can besend to demanding authorities. This report provides October and annualstatistics for hourly workers and monthly workers. It provides payrollspecific information selected using wage types defined in subapplicationFIST (VC_T596A) , working time relevant information, and master data toproduce the according statistics .
The results of the statistic run are presented in a separate TemSe file.

To create statistics successfully:
Maintain the following info types:
Actions (0000)
Organisational assignment ( 0001)
Personal data ( 0002)
Planned working time (0007)
Basic pay (0008)
Contract elements (0016)
Exceptions (0033)
The payroll results relevant to statistics periods are required.
Assign the relevant wage types to cumulation wage types in asubapplication (Finnish statistics) FIST and customize them correctly.For more information see view cluster 'Statutory subapplications' (VC_T596A).

Depending on what selection fields are used, you can create lists on:
-,,Personnel number, employee group, personnel area or payroll area.,,
-,,Hourly or monthly workers
-,,The year the statistics concerns
Note: If you do not select a personnel number, the program retrieves allthe personal numbers due to this selection.
In the Report Selection section,
-,,Select Other than Service Sector checkbox to generate theannual statistics for hourly wage earners in industries other than theservice sector
-,,Deselect, Other than Service Sector checkbox to generate theOctober statistics report for hourly wage earners in the service sector.
You must select the Create TemSe file checkbox for the system tostore the data that it generates in TemSe file format.


The report generates a list and TemSe file. Layout of the file structureis according Statistics office of Finland, private sector statisticsfor monthly and private sector statistics for hourly employees.
