SAP Program HFILTYEL0 - TYEL Monthly Reporting

This report enables you to generate monthly pension insurance details ofemployees who belong to the Employees Pensions Act (TYEL). Usethis report to obtain data on employee earnings for a specified month,for submission to the pension authorities.


  • Pension insurance records exist for the selected employee(s) in
  • Social Insurance Information Finland infotype (0206).
    • Payroll results are available for the month for which you want to
    • generate the report.
      • You have assigned relevant wage types to TYEL Monthly reporting
      • cumulation wage type (TYLM) in the IMG activity under PayrollFinland -> Reporting -> TYEL Pension Insurance ->TYEL: Monthly Pension Insurance -> AssignWage Types to Cumulation Wage Type.

        The report generates data based on the information that you specify inthe following sections:

        • Personnel Number

        • Personnel Area and Subarea

        • Insurance company

        • Contract number(s).

        • Month

        • The report reads data for the specified month, for example, if you wantto report employee earnings for January 2007, then in the Monthfield specify 1 and in the Year field specify2007.

          The report output consists of the following data:

          • Employee's Contract number

          • Pension Insurance Department to which the employee belongs

          • Monthly Payments Year and month of earnings for
          • which you run the report
            • Employee's Monthly Earnings for the specified month
            • Activities
              On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Finland -> Subsequentactivities -> Other periods -> Reporting -> MonthlyAnnouncements -> TYEL Monthly Reporting.
              Enter the relevant selection criteria.
              To execute this report, choose Program -> Execute.