SAP Program HFILLIS0 - Report HFILLIS0

This report calculates the Low Income Support for an employee whosatisfy the following criteria:

  • Is 54 years or older, or will complete 54 years during the month for
  • which this report is run.
    • Earns an income of paid salary (base) between EUR 900 and EUR 2000. For
    • part time pensioner employees the system considers TheoreticalSalary instead of paid salary.
      Paid Salary (Base) = Total Taxable Gross - (Total Vacation Compensation+ Total Vacation Bonus)
      Theoretical Salary = Paid Salary + (2 x Paid Part Time Pension Amount)
      • Has worked at least 140 hours in a calendar month. This is not
      • applicable for part time employees. Working hours include:
        Paid Absences
        Productive Working hours
        • Is not covered under any support other than Low Income Support

        • To get this exemption, the employers have to be registered with theRegister of Employer's Counted Tax Administrators.
          If the employer is eligible for the exemption, the report reads thepayroll results and time results. If the employee satisfies all theabove mentioned criteria, the report calculates the Low Income Supportfor the employee and stores the same in the Database table(T7FILIS).
          Annual Tax Statement report (HFILTAX0) uses thisvalue to file the Low Income employee data to the tax authorities.
          The total of the Low Income Support values for all employees is exemptedfrom the employer's taxable income

          From SAP Easy Access screen, choose Human Resources ->Payroll -> Europe -> Finland -> Subsequentactivities -> Other periods -> Reporting -> Monthlyannouncements -> Report for Low Income Support.
          The Low Income Support Statement selection screen appears.
          In the Selection section, enter the employee selection criteria.
          In the Payment Period section, enter the calendar month for whichthe report must calculate the Low Income Support.
          In the Wage Type Selection section:
          By default the system displays the sub application FLIS to retrieve therelevant wage types.
          By default the system selects the test run. Incase you want to run thisreport in live mode, you must deselect the indicator. When you run thereport in live mode, the system stores the data in the Databasetable (T7FILIS).
          To execute the report, choose Program -> Execute.
          Finnish Low Income Support Statement output screen appear.
          On the output screen, the system displays:
          Employee details
          Organization details
          Low Income Support details