Purpose Use this report to obtain information related to the earnings of anemployee in an absence period. You can report the following types ofemployee earnings to KELA:
- Sickness absence earnings
- Gross and benefits
- Vacation compensation
- Actual or estimated vacation bonus
- Trade union fees
- Actual or estimated seniority allowance
- Yearly bonus
Note For all the earnings mentioned above, except for sickness absenceearnings, the report reads the payroll results of the six monthspreceding the sickness absence Start Date>. For sickness absence earnings, the report obtains the earnings from theabsence records maintained in Absences >infotype (2001). Sicknessabsence related wage types store sickness absence payments for multipleabsences, separately. However, some sickness absence related wage typesdo not have splits, for storing multiple sickness absence paymentswithin a period. In this case, the report reads the values of these wagetypes and generates the relevant information as part of the firstsickness absence record for the period.Prerequisites
- Assign wage types that form the employee's salary components to the
cumulation wage types present in Kela-application, paid sicknessreport for Kela> subapplication (KELA). You can do so in the IMGactivity under Payroll Finland> -> Reporting >->Sickness Absence Reporting to KELA> ->Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types>.
- Maintain the
Bi-Weekly payrollperiods-KELA constant (BWEFP)> in the IMG activity under PayrollFinland> -> Reporting >-> Sickness Absence Reporting to KELA > -> Maintain Reporting Periods for Bi-weeklyEmployees>.Selection
- In the Absence type selection section, you can select the sickness
absence based on: Absence grouping > Attendance >or Absence Type > The report reads sickness absence records belonging to the optionsselected, from the Absences >infotype (2001).
- You can also select the sickness absences based on:
Sickness absence end date> When you select this indicator, the report checks the sickness absencerecords that have their End Date> in the selection period. Else,the report checks for all records, including those that do not havetheir End Date >in the selected period. Minimum number of absence days> When you select this indicator, the report checks the sickness absencesonly if their duration is equal to or greater than the number of daysspecified in the Minimum number of absence> days >field.
- You can also choose to generate information on an employee's actual or
estimated sickness absence earnings.