SAP Program HFIITUMF - Create New IT0057 for Trade Union Fees via Batch Input

Mass Update of Trade Union Membership Fees Finland

The main purpose of this program is to create a new master data recordfor IT0057 Membership as of the date entered in the Finnish trade uniontables. It can also be used in test mode (batch input checkboxunmarked) to determine which employees would be affected by the newmembership fees.

Ideally, this program should be run far in advance of the actual datefor new membership fees so as to allow for adequate testing using thepayroll simulation function.

This program will only produce meaningful results if the followingconditions are met:
1) The customizing views V_T7FIT0 Trade Unions Finland, V_T7FITU TradeUnions / Locals Finland, and V_T7FITUP Assign Payees to TradeUnions/Locals Finland must contain appropriate entries. This means thatnew membership fees must be entered into either the trade union view(normal case) or the trade union / local view (exceptional case) as ofthe start date indicated by the union.
2) The employee already has an infotype record for Memberships and therule assigned to the employee corresponds to the default value for thetrade union / local in question.


The selection screen has standard fields for employee selection, but itis highly recommended that these filters only be used for specialcases. Normally the program should be started by entering values foreither the payee(s) or for the union and/or union/local combination. Itis absolutely essential that the appropriate value is entered for theparameter 'Start date'.

No standard variants have been provided due to the high degree ofcustomizing required at each customer site.

The output list shows all employees affected together with theirmembership type (percentage, fixed amount, etc.), old and newmembership fees information, and the default wage type to be used. Ifthe values entered in the employee's old record do not correspond tothe default values in the customizing tables, the employee is marked asa special case. This may be due to the fact that the employee is astudent working for the Finnish company, hence paying reducedmembership fees.
If you mark the checkbox 'Batch input', a batch input session forupdating the infotype 0057 is created. Please note that you requireadequate authorization for the transaction SM35 to start the session.

As soon as any trade union has announced new membership fees, maintainthe corresponding customizing view(s) mentioned above and check theresults on a small group of employees in your test environment. Suchtesting is especially critical if a union announces retroactive changesto membership fees.