SAP Program HFIIABP0 - Batch Input for Vacation Bonus Payments Finland

Create IT0416 Quota Compensation records for Annual Vacation BonusPayments

This program can be used either:
- to display how many vacation bonus days are currently available foremployees (Batch Input checkbox unmarked), or
- to create a batch input session with Quota Compensation records forall employees selected (Batch Input marked)

The results of this mass update program are wage types which will beprocessed in the Finnish payroll. Please note that the processing ofthese wage types is customer and/or trade union specific. It istherefore left up to the customer during implementation to ensure thatthe valuation of these wage types within payroll processing isperformed correctly.

This program requires the completion of the following customizingactivities:
- V_T556U,,Define Time Quota Compensation Methods
- V_T556W,,Assign Wage Types to the Quotas to be Compensated
- V_T7FIV0,,Vacation Bonus Handling Types
- V_T7FIV1,,Assignment of Vacation Quota Types to Wage Types
In addition, Time Evaluation has to be run in advance for each employeeso that the expected absence quotas, e.g. vacation quota and vacationbonus quota, are accrued as earned.


Enter values for the compensation method(s), paydate, and maximumnumber of vacation bonus days to be compensated in the appropriateparameter fields in the selection block Vacation bonus information.
The parameters
- Employment status
- Company code
- Personnel area / subarea
- Employee group / subgroup
are also recommended for restricting selection to a specified subset ofyour workforce.
The selection block entitled Batch input information allows you to runthe program merely to obtain a list of available vacation bonus days(Batch Input checkbox unmarked), or to create a Batch Input session forIT0416.

The standard variant SAP&_IABP0 has been created for use inconjunction with the transaction PC00_M44_IABP0 in the Finnish payrollmenu. It is recommended that you create a separate report variant for:
- testing purposes
- each employee group with distinct bonus handling

Run this program at least once without Batch Input for each reportvariant before attempting to create a BI session. The list providessufficient information regarding quota types and vacation bonus dayscurrently available.