SAP Program HFICEDT0_ELETTER - Remuneration statement as electronic letter for ePost

Remuneration statement as electronic letter for ePost

Based on the results generated by the payroll programs for Finland andSweden (HFICALC0 and RPCALCS0) and evaluated by therelevant remuneration statements programs (HFICEDT0 andRPCEDTS0), this report allows you to create an electronic version(eLetter) of the remuneration statement for the selected employee.

The report is used in combination with the Finnish payroll (HFICALC0
) or the Swedish payroll (RPCALCS0) and the accordingremuneration statement programs (HFICEDT0 respectivlyRPCEDTS0).

Make sure you have run the payroll program for the selected period andpersonnel number.


Enter the selection screen, confirm the country grouping, then enter thepayroll area and period of the employee for whom you want to generatethe electronic statement.
Define a couple of eLetter specific settings.
Enter the parameters for creation of EPLV metadata. You can chooseeither to generate the employees' payslip with or without EPLV metadata.Parameters for creation of EPLV metadata are available only for thereport used in Finland.
When you select With EPLV Meta Data radiobutton, system displaysthe fields where you must enter Company Code, Sender's ID no.(OVT Id), Sender's Name and Letter Subject details. Youcan send this generated payslip to the web based mailbox of the serviceprovider based on the SSN number of the employee. The service provideridentifies the email ID to which the pay slip must be sent. When youselect Without EPLV Meta Data radiobutton, web based mailboxidentifies the employee by his or her name and address.

Depending on your choice, you can either not save the data, in whichcase the eLetter data is displayed in the form of a table, or save thedata:

  • In the TemSe directory, where you can download it using report List
  • of HR TemSe objects (RPUTSV00).
    • To a local file.

    • On an application server.

    • If you saved the file in the TemSe directory, you can transfer it toyour ePost centre using the various internet protocols (HTTP and FTP) orvia a modem connection. For more information, contact your local postoffice.