SAP Program HCNCTXD0 - China Year End Individual Income Tax Declaration

China Year End Individual Income Tax Declaration

China's State Administration of Taxation (SAT) has issued the Guoshuifa2006-162 circular regarding year-end individual income tax declarations.Any person whose annual income equals or exceeds CNY 120,000 is requiredto submit a tax declaration.
For more information of the regulation, refer to the related law and lawclauses issued by the State Administration of Taxation, for example,Individual Income Tax Year-End Declaration [2006] No.162.
For each active employee, this annual report cumulates the total incomein the year paid by the company and the corresponding tax information.You can use this report to send the calculated results to thecorresponding employees by e-mail. However, this function is notavailable for mySAP ERP 4.6C.

The China Year End Individual Income Tax Declaration -Under Schema CN00 report (HCNCTXE0) performs similar function as thisreport. To decide which report to use, see SAP Note 1117841

The Categories ofIncome and Tax for Yearly Tax Declaration evaluation class (09)
is added to distinguish different tax-related items affected by thelaw. Make sure you have maintained the related wage types.


With the Show Detail indicator, you can choose whether to displaythe income tax details on the declaration.
For each processed employee,
o,,If you deselect the Show Detail indicator on the selectionscreen, the report displays the sum of income tax
o,,If you select the Show Detail indicator on the selectionscreen, the report displays both income tax summary and the taxinformation of each payment that the person received

To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseHuman Resources ->Payroll -> Asia/Pacific ->China -> SubsequentActivities -> Annual ->Reporting ->Year End IITAX Declaration.