SAP Program HCNCSI00 - Social insurance result screen list

Social Insurance Results Listing

This report lets you display and print employer, and if applicable,employee contribution details for the following social insurance types:

  • Pension insurance

  • Unemployment insurance

  • Medical insurance

  • On-the-job injury insurance

  • Maternity insurance
  • Integration
    The report determines employer and employee contributions based on thesystem settings configured in the Social Insurance
    section of Customizing for Payroll China, and on the dataentered for each employee in the Social Insurance infotype(0532).

    Before running the report, you must ensure that you have entered therelevant insurance data for each employee in the Social Insuranceinfotype.

    Depending on your selection criteria, the report displays:

    • Contributions for one or several personnel numbers, personnel subareas
    • or payroll areas in the current or in past payroll periods
      • Contributions for specific social insurance types

        • Contribution totals for a group of employees

          • Contributions for employees whose contribution account has changed in
          • the reporting period
            • Contributions for employees in a particular contribution area

            • If the report runs successfully, a basic list of results appears. Todisplay a detailed list of results, you double-click on the numberfield. If the report does not run successfully, a message appearsdescribing the error.
              After running the report successfully, you can save the results to yourlocal harddrive and/or print out the results. To remove the columns thatyou do not want to print, choose Hide.
              After running the report successfully, you can save the results as TemSeobject to the remote server.

              To run the Social Insurance Results Listing report, you:
              RESET N1
              Enter the relevant selection criteria (for example, one or more payrollareas, personnel numbers, personnel subareas, a time period, theemployee's name in Chinese or first working day).
              Flag the relevant social insurance type.
              To total the results for a group of employees, flag the Sum upresult field.
              To display results for employees in a particular contribution area,enter the relevant area key in the Contri. Area field.
              To display results for employees whose contribution account has changedduring the reporting period, enter the relevant area key in theContri. Area field, and the relevant change reason key in theChange reason field.
              Execute the report.
              The Social Insurance Results Listing appears.
              To create data medium file, you:
              RESET N1
              Choose the background check box, after the execution, the reportsaves the results as TemSe object to the remote server; or you can alsoselect Program - Execute Background to save the TemSe object tothe remote server without downloading the results to local hard drive.
              Run the transaction code SP11 and enter the name of creator toget the TemSe object. The name of TemSe object has two parts, the firstpart HR_CNCSIO_ is fixed, the second part is the dynamic numbergenerated by TemSe object engine.