SAP Program HCNCMLI0 - Cash Breakdown List (China)

This report creates the cash breakdown list for the selected
personnel numbers, the chosen payroll area and the
payroll accounting period.
The cash breakdown list comprises the following:
- For each plant section: a cover sheet, a list of the coins/
banknotes and their number for the cash payment of wages
and salaries, a cash payment list and a signature list.
- A totals list for each plant section, plant, company code and
- An error list showing the personnel numbers for which no
amounts could be found.
The report will recognize when company codes are from
different countries and automatically select the relevant
currency. The notes/coins available in each currency must
be stored in Table 520M.
- Country modifier
- Company code
- Plant
- Plant section

Parameter LGART
Wage type for the net amount

This is where you enter the wage type for which the payroll
amounts are read and the cash breakdown list is created.
Value '/557' is predefined when the cash breakdown list is used
for the cash payment of wages and salaries.