SAP Program HCNCCBR0 - China PHF/SI calculation base retrieve/upload report

You run this report for a group of employees who use the "User InputContribution Base" to enter the PHF/SI contribution base when thecontribution base needs to be changed in a certain payroll period. Thewage type in the Recurrent Payments infotype 0014 should be created forthe PHF/SI contribution base.
It can also be used when a group of employees use "Personal AverageMonthly Salary in Previous Year (Old)" or "Personal Average MonthlySalary in Previous Year (New)" as the PHF/SI contribution base in thefollowing situations:

  • When a system goes life, some employees do not have history payroll
  • results to calculate the average salary, thus you can input thecontribution base manually. The wage type should be created in theAdditional Payments infotype 0015.
    • You use a certain amount to replace the calculated average salary by
    • the system as the contribution base in a certain payroll period. Thewage type should be created in the infotype 0014.
      • For the new hired employees, you can also input the contribution base
      • manually.

        You have determined the way of PHF/SI contribution by the employees.
        The evaluation class from 11 to 16 should be set to form the "BasicSalary" if you choose the calculation method by the basic salary.
        See below for the details of evaluation class 11 to 16.
        The permissibility of wage type for the infotype 0014 or 0015 should beset.
        A group of employees change their contribution base in the same payrollperiod.

        There are two kinds of scenarios regarding the contribution base:

        • The contribution base for the employee and the employer are the same.

        • The contribution base for the employee and the employer are not the
        • same.
          When you select the option "Contribution bases for the employee and theemployer are the same", you should use the same contribution baseindicator for the employee and the employer. You can not use indicatorsother than "U" User Input Contribution Base, "M" Personal AverageMonthly Salary in Previous Year (Old) and "N" Personal Average MonthlySalary in Previous Year (New). Furthermore if you use the indicator "U"User Input Contribution Base, the wage types for EE and ER should bethe same. Otherwise, you can not use this option.
          When you select the option "Contribution base for the employee and theemployer are not the same", at a time, you can only import one wagetype either of employee contribution base or of employer contributionbase. And the contribution base indicator must be "U" User InputContribution Base, "M" Personal Average Monthly Salary in Previous Year(Old) or "N" Personal Average Monthly Salary in Previous Year (New).Otherwise, the report will not process them. With this option, thesystem processes the following respectively:
          • Contribution base for employee

          • Contribution base for employer

          • The report provides two ways to calculate the proposed PHF/SIContribution base:
            Use the basic salary as the contribution base. In this case, you shouldenter a cutoff date, the system gets the monthly basic salary from theinfotype 0008, infotype 0014 and infotype 0015 accordingly. Only thatthe evaluation class of wage types taken from IT0014 or IT0015 is among11 to 16 will be taken into account when calculating the basic salary.
            The relationships between evaluation class and insurance type are:
            11,,,,,,,,Public Housing Fund
            12,,,,,,,,Pension insurance
            13,,,,,,,,Unemployment insurance
            14,,,,,,,,Medical care insurance
            15,,,,,,,,On-job injury insurance
            16,,,,,,,,Maternity insurance
            If there is no basic salary got, the proposed base will be set as zerowith a warning message.
            Use a specific wage type as the contribution base. In this case, youshould enter the payroll period as well as the wage type. With thisinformation, the system gets the monthly basic salary from the wagetype specified by the end user for a certain payroll period. If thesystem can not get the wage type from the payroll result for a certainperiod, the proposed base is set to zero with a warning message.
            Use a fixed amount as the contribution base.
            When you create a wage type record, you can choose which infotype to beused:
            • Recurrent payments (IT0014).

            • Additional payments (IT0015).

            • After you have specified the wage type, the system checks if the wagetype is applicable for the infotype 0014 or 0015 corresponding to yourchoice.
              At last, you should specify a period (for infotype 0015, a date) inwhich the wage type will be effective as the contribution base.


              Choose the personnel numbers.
              Choose the Public Housing Fund or a Social Insurance type.
              Choose the contribution area, industry and so on.
              Under EE and ER contribution bases specification, you selectbetween "EE & ER contribution base are same" and "EE & ERcontribution base are not same". See the Features to get the details.
              Under Calculation method, you select the method by which you usefor the PHF/SI calculation base:
              Basic salary
              Specified wage type
              Fixed amount
              If you choose basic salary, you should specify a cutoff date as a datamark.
              If you choose specified wage type, you should specify a certain payrollperiod and wage type.
              If you choose the fixed amount, enter the amount. Note: this amount isthe contribution BASE amount.
              Specify a factor if necessary.
              Under Upload information, you choose either the infotype 0014 orthe infotype 0015 in which the wage type will be created.
              Specify a certain period in which the new contribution base iseffective. Note: the begin date of this period should be the payrollperiod begin date and the end date should be the payroll period enddate.
              Specify a proper wage type for the infotype 0014 or the infotype 0015corresponding to your choice.
              Choose Test run if you do not want to update the infotype 0014or the infotype 0015 record; otherwise leave the checkbox blank.
              Execute the report. A list by your selection criteria appears.
              Double click the traffic light for each record, you will get furtherinformation. For example, for the record with red light, you will knowthe reason why the error happens by double clicking the red light.
              A record with red light indicates it did not pass some kinds of check,thus it can not be created into the infotype 0014 or the infotype 0015.These records can only be displayed.
              A record with yellow may have a warning message or not. But the warningmessage does not affect the following operation, thus the record isready to be created.
              For records that are ready to be created into the infotype 0014 or0015, you can change the data in the "Proposed base" field.
              Choose records that you want to create into the infotype 0014 or 0015and click Update in the application toolbar.
              If the record has been executed successfully, its row is changed intogreen color. Then it can only be displayed. If you continue to chooseit and click Update, the system ignores this record since it has beenrun successfully.
              For a record can not be updated, its light is changed into red. Thesystem provides you the reason why the record fails to be created.Correct the error and run it again.
              Click Declare if you want a declaration report for PHF/SIcontribution base.