SAP Program HBRRAIS0 - Social Information Annual List - SIAL

The Social Information Annual List (SIAL) contains elements meant tomeet the needs for control, statistics and information of thegovernement bodies of the social area

This program creates a TemSe file to issue the legal report SIAL.

The following infotypes must be filled in:
Personnel actions,,,,Type of personnel action,,,,-
,,,,Reasons for personnel action,,,,-
Organizational assignment,,,,Subarea,,,,,,,,-
Personal data,,,,Nationality,,,,,,-
,,,,Date of birth,,-
,,,,Naturalized citizen
Planned working time,,,,Hours per week,,,,-
Basic pay,,,,-
Personal IDs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,01
Contract elements,,,,Worker's category,,-
,,,,Employment relationship
All the wage types relevant for the SIAL must be flagged withevaluation class 12 and the corresponding specification (01 through 04). Reversal wagetypes must be flagged withevaluation class 15
(value D).
The fields Review month and Municipal district have beenconfigured in the IMG step Personnel administration ->Organizational data -> Branches and construction sites: Brazil -> Legaland general information -> Maintain branchinformation for SIAL .
The field SIAL mov.code has been filled in in accordance to thecodes defined in the manual, in the IMG step Payroll -> Termination-> Master data -> Maintain eligibility informationfor severance pay.
The following IMG steps have already been configured:
Payroll -> Legal forms -> SIAL movement codes

Payroll -> Legal forms -> Maintainseverance pay notice period wage types.
Personnel administration -> Organizational data -> Branches andconstruction sites: Brazil -> Legal and general information -> SIALinformation ->
Maintain contract wages
Maintain nationality codes

The system permits the correction of formerly generated reports. If thebase year is 2005 or previous years, the system automatically generatesthe report in the generic layout, as stated in the public list no. 205,of December, 21st, 2006.


  • To view and export the TemSe file, run the program View
  • TemSe files (HBRUTMS5).
    • If necessary, the system issues an error list after running this report.

1515927SAP_HR CLC-BR 2010-11
925164HBRRAIS0 Legal Changes 2006
1160987HBRRAIS0: correction in the processing of PPRP off-cycle
1040911HBRRAIS0 - 13th Salary advanced for the next year
882093HBRRAIS0 to run on all companies at once
1014911HBRRAIS0 Legal Changes 2007
786687RAIS: reporting brazilian-naturalized employee
813531RAIS: Legal change 2005