SAP Program HBRCSAB0 - Report to handle special absences

This program is used to process (create, change or delete) the specialabsence records that must be handled differently from the other absencerecords.

This report processes one employee and one action (create, change ordelete) at a time.
1. To run the program, specify the employee's personnel no.
in the selection screen
2. To update acquisition period and cumulated entitlement,activate the flag "Activate update", otherwise, only theinfotype Absences (IT 2001) will be updated.
The system issues a table with the following information:

  • Absence type: Only the absences marked in the IMG step:
  • Payroll -> Absences -> Assign grouping ofabsence types will be taken into account
    • ZH>Valid from: Start of absence record

    • Valid to: End of absence record

    • Days: Calendar days in the absence record

    • ID.: Icon to show the results after the processing

    • The main actions that it is possible to carry out with the absence listissued by the program are:
      • Create a new record. For this,

      • Specify Absence type , Valid from, Valid to.
        Save the record and the remaining fields will be updated.
        RESET N1
        • Change a new record. For this,

        • Select a record.
          Only change the values in the fields: Valid from and Validto.
          Save the change and the remaining fields will be updated.
          • Delete a new record. For this,

          • RESET N1
            Flag the record
            Confirm whether you want to delete it or cancel the action.
            Once the processing is over, the field IDof the processed recordis updated with a "traffic light". To view the list of messages afterthe processing, double-click the field ID.
            3. To execute another action, return to the selection screen.

            This program only processes the types of absence 3(sick pay) and6 (justified absence). For other absence types, the systemissues an error list and the change must be made manually. The absencetypes are customized in the IMG step: Payroll -> Absences ->Assign grouping of absence types.
            When you create, change or delete a special absence record, theinfotypes Date specification (IT 0041), Absences (IT2001) and Quota corrections (IT 2013) must also be adjusted. Forthis program to make the necessary adjustments, the flag "Activateupdate" must be activated and the following conditions must be met:

            • IT0041

            • The total of absence days that fall within the acquisition period ishigher than the legal limit, considering the different types ofabsence.
              There must be no record in infotype 0041 later than the absence startdate abd the total absence period is longer then the legal limit.Otherwise, the system issues an error message.
              The valid acquisition period end date is prior to the system's currentdate. Otherwise, the system issues an error list.
              • IT2001

              • The system's current date is prior to the end date of the acquisitionperiod on which falls the start date of the absence record.
                IT0041 does not have a record whose start date is later than the startdate of the absence record that is being processed.
                There is not record within the specified absence period.
                • IT2013

                • The total of absence days within the acquisition period exceeds thelegal limit, considering the different absence types. In this case, thesystem creates a record that sets the acquired entitlement to zero.
                  Note: if you try to update the records of these absence types (3 and 6)manually, the system issues an error message recommending the use ofthis program. Using this program the related infotypes areautomatically updated.


                  • Personnel no.: 1737

                  • The flag "Activate update" has been activated

                  • List of absences:

                  • AbsT.,,Valid from,,Valid to,,Days,,ID
                    0200,,10.05.2000,,15.07.2000,, 67,00,,
                    • To create a new record, press CREATE

                    • AbsT.,,Valid from,,Valid to,,Days,,ID
                      The program displays the number of days and a red light in the fieldID. When you click the traffic light, the system issues thefollowing message: Current date later than quota transfer date.Adjust manually.
                      Note:The same will happen if you try to delete or change a record inthe past when using this program, because the period quota has alreadybeen transferred. The end date of the acquisition period is 03/01/2001and the system date is 30/10/2001.

557106New Quota Generation