SAP Program HBRCGRH0 - Alimony history

This report displays all the alimony payments carried out in theselected period. The standard system displays the payments of thecurrent year, but you can select other periods.
This report can be started using the menu or infotype Alimony order (0736) with the "History" button.

Start the program of the brasilien payroll. (HBRCALC0).

The list generated by this report displays the alimony paymentsclassified by alimony order.
For each alimony order, the list displays the date of payment, theamount not paid dued to the lack of funds and the amount that wasactually paid.
If you start this report using the "History" button in the infotypeAlimony order(0736), the list displays only the payments for thealimony order in the infotype record. If you wish to display alimonypayments for other orders, use the list button "History: all cases".
If you start the report using the menu, please specify in the selectionscreen the alimony order for which you want to display the payments. Ifno order is specified, the system will display all orders.

1515927SAP_HR CLC-BR 2010-11