SAP Program HBRCAGED - GREU: report and file

This report creates a TemSe file to issue the General Register ofEmployed and Unemployed (GREU).
The following should be specify on the selection screen:
Employment status - defines whether the employee is active or away fromthe company
Company data
Month and year to which the stored data refer
Declaration type - informs whether or not the company is declaring forthe first time
File adjustment - informs changes made to company data
Type of save - sets the type of medium in which the file is created
If it is a small sized or micro company.
If the adjustment file should be generated com records of type "X". Ifthat is the case, enter the TemSe file to be compared and run the reportwith the same base period.

The following infotypes must be filled in:
0000 Personnel actions,,,,,,,,,,Type of personnel action
,,,,,,,,,,Reason for personnel action
0001 Organiz.assignment,,,,,,,,,,Job
0002 Personal data/Race,,,,,,,,,,Name
0004* Disability,,,,,,,,,,Physical disability group
,,,,,,,,,,Type of physical disability
0007 Planned working time,,,,,,,,,,Working hours per week
0057 Memberships,,,,,,,,,,Receiver key (union code)
0185 Personal IDs,,,,,,,,,,SIP
,,,,,,,,,,Worker's card
,,,,,,,,,,Worker's card series
,,,,,,,,,,Issuing state
0398 Contract elements,,,,,,,,,,Worker category
,,,,,,,,,,Education level
*Only if the employee is disabled
When the GREU is generated, the program checks the presence of infotypeDisability (IT 0004). If it is not found, the value "2" (notphysically disabled) will be moved to the field of the file (HBRUTMS0).If it is found, the value "1" (physically disabled) will be moved.
The field GREU movement has been filled in in the IMG step:Payroll -> Termination -> Master data ->Maintain eligibility information for severance pay


  • To view and export the TemSe file, run the program View
  • TemSe files (HBRUTMS5).
    • From May 2000 on, the information for GREU are saved in the new layout
    • (version 1.16).
      • For dates prior to May 2000, the file is still generated with the old
      • layout (version 1.13).
        • If necessary, the system issues an error list after the report is run.

1037157HR-BR: General enhancements
1120564CAGED - generating adjustment without comparison file
945787HBRCAGED: Record type C and X - Layout changes