SAP Program HARCSI16 - Generation of employee declarations - Version 16

This report generates a TemSe file by company code for issuing employeedeclarations (DGI-SIJP), and a printable help list that can be used forchecking them.
The month and the year for which the report is being run can be enteredin the report selection screen. Due to the particular nature of theemployee declaration, the system proposes the month before the currentmonth, according to the system date. This date can be overwritten.
If nothing is entered in the Company Code field, the report will be runfor all existing company codes, and the system will generate a name fora TemSe file to be generated.
The system automatically activates occupational status " 0 (Employeeswho have left the company)" and " 3 (Active employees)".
If the Total Remuneration with Non Remunerative Credits checkbox ismarked, the report will include, in the Total Remuneration column, thenon remunerative credits receieved by the employee.

The help list contains detailed information by employee. This reportselects all employes that have received remuneration within the periodindicated.
The list includes, among others, the following columns:
Additional SI contribution percentage (%adSI): This percentage isobtained from wage type /SI1.
Total remuneration (Total rem.): Total employee gross settlement,without deductions. Consists of the total sum of wage typescorresponding to remunerations (/102, /104 y /115), special monetarybenefits (/105) and maternity (/121).
This column can also include the non remunerative SIJP credits wagetype (/124), depending on whether the corresponding selection screencheckbox has been marked.
For more information on the cumulation of non remunerative credits inthe non remunerative credits wage type (/124), see the ImplementationGuide, under Payroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: IntegratedRetirement and Pension Scheme ->Definecumulation of non remunerative SIJP credits.
Remuneration 1: Tax base used to calculate employee SIJP and INSSJPdeductions. Consists of the total sum of wage types /380, /381, /382and /383.
Remuneración 2: Tax base used to calculate employer SIJP and INSSJPcontributions. Consists of the total sum of wage types /384, /396,/397 and /398.
Remuneración 3: Tax base used to calculate employer family allowanceand national employment fund contributions. Consists of the total sumof wage types /384, /396, /397 and /398.
Remuneración 4: Tax base used to calculate employee Welfare fund andANSSAL deductions, and employer Welfare Fund and ANSAAL contributions.Consists of the total sum of wage types /380, /381, /382 and /383.
Voluntary employee AFJP deductions, through the company (Vol.ded.j.):Consists of the total sum of wage types /328 and /329.
Family allowance (Fam. allow.): The total sum of family allowance(/F03, /F04, /F05 y /F09; /F06, /F07, /F08,/F11; and /F13, /F14, /F15and /F19, if direct payment) and maternity (/121) wage types.
If additional family allowance wage types have been created, they canalso be included in this column, as long as these new wage typescumulate in the total family allownce wage type (/125). For moreinformation about this cumulation, see the Implementation Guide, underPayroll Argentina -> Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement andPensions schemes -> Define family allowanceassignments for SIJP.
Additional Welfare Fund amount (Add. WF amt): This amount is obtainedfrom wage type /SI2.
Surplus SI deductions (Surp.SI deduc): This amount is obtained fromwage type /SI3.
Surplus WF deductions (Surp.WF deduc): This amount is obtained fromwage type /SI4.
Reduction mark: For CUILs belonging to special CUITs.
Recomposition funds: Total SIJP deductions, not paid, when the employeewas absent due to a provisional total permanent incapacity to work.
Company type: Identifies employer type (0= Public administration, 1=Private or mixed company). Please note that in order for thecorresponding value to be reported in this field, the value must firstbe entered in the Implementation Guide, under Payroll Argentina ->Lists -> SIJP: Integrated Pension and Retirement Scheme -> Definecompany type for SIJP
Additional Welfare Fund amount : The amount that will be reported forthe purposes of art.8, decree 492/95. This amount is obtained from wagetypes /348 and /358.
For Scholarship of Nationl Program for Work Experience d.340/92 hiringmethods, the Welfare Fund and Family Allowance fields report zero.
If there is a change in Legal Person during the period indicated, theemployee will appear in the two lists corresponding to each of theLegal Persons specified.
Employees are ordered in ascending CUIL number order. In the firstcolumn, a number starting from 1 for each company code is entered foreach employee.
The final line of the list contains the totals of all selectedemployees by company code. These totals are the sum of all thecorresponding columns.
Following this list, the total in food vouchers and/or food parcels,the fixed amount for ART by employee, and the percentage of the wagetotal for ART are also entered.
The help list presents a header by company code, indicatint the LegalPerson, company code, month and year, TemSe file name and time
of issue for which the report has been run.
Once the report has been run, a list of any errors that may haveoccured during the running of the report can be issued by activatingthe corresponding pushbutton on the list screen.

Following is the design data of the ASCII file that is generated bythis report. The design data should be defined in the DGI (InternalRevenue Service) system berore results are imported for the first time:
Field,,,,,,Start (in column),,,,,,Size (in positions)
First and second names,,,,,,12,,,,,,30
Spouse/De facto,,,,,,42,,,,,,1
Number of children,,,,,,43,,,,,, 2
Situation code,,,,,,45,,,,,,2
Condition code,,,,,,47,,,,,,2
Activity code,,,,,,49,,,,,,2
Family allowances zone code,,,,,,51,,,,,,2
Additional percentage(S),,,,,,3,,,,,,5
Hiring method code,,,,,,58,,,,,,3
Welfare fund code,,,,,,61,,,,,,6
Number of Next of Kin,,,,,,67,,,,,,2
Total remuneration,,,,,,69,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration,,,,,,78,,,,,,9
Family Allowance total.,,,,,,87,,,,,,9
Voluntary contribution,,,,,,96,,,,,,9
Additional amount (WF),,,,,,105,,,,,, 9
Surplus SI.,,,,,,114,,,,,,9
Surplus WF,,,,,,123,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 2,,,,,,182,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 3,,,,,,191,,,,,,9
Taxable remuneration 4,,,,,,200,,,,,,9
Claimant code,,,,,,209,,,,,,2
Reduction mark,,,,,,211,,,,,,1
LRT recomposition funds,,,,,,212,,,,,,9
Comapany type,,,,,,221,,,,,,1
Additional WF deductions,,,,,,222,,,,,,9
Total record size: 230
There are no separators between fields.