SAP Program HARCSI12 - Generation of annual declarations - Version 12

This report generates a TemSe file per Company to issue TaxDeclarations (DGI-SIJP) and a support list to control them. This listcan also be printed.
The report selection screen can show the Month and the Year for whichthe report is being run. Due to the specific characteristics of the TaxDeclaration, the system proposes a month previous to the present.However, you can overwrite this date.
If in the selection option Company, there is no entry, the report isrun for all existing Companies. In this case, the system generates aTemSe file name.
The system automatically activates the occupation status "0 (employeeson leave)" and "3 (active employees)".
If you select the checkbox Total remuneration with non deductiblepayments, the report includes, in Total remuneration column, the nondeductible payments obtained by the employee.

The support list contains detailed data for each employee. This reportselects all employees who have received remuneration within thespecified period.
The list presents amongst others, the following columns:
Total Remuneration (Tot.rem.): Gross sum paid to the employee withoutany deduction. It constitutes the sum of the wage types correspondingto remunerations (/102, /104 and /115), monetary benefits (/105) andmaternity (/121).
This column can also include the wage type non-deductible payments SIJP/124) depending on whether the checkbox has been or not selected in thescreen of the report selection.
For further information regarding the cumulation of non-deductiblepayments in the wage types non-deductible payments (/124), see the IMGin section Argentinian Payroll -> Listings -> SIJP: IntegratedRetirement and Pension Scheme ->Definecumulation of non-deductible payments for SIJP.
Taxed Remuneration (Taxed rem.): Taxed Base used for the calculation ofpayments and contributions. It constitutes the sum of wage types /380,/381, /382 and /383.
Voluntary payments by the employee to the AFJP via the Company(V.Paym.) : It constitutes the sum of wage types /328 and /329.
Family allowances (Fam.Alls.): Sum of the wage types corresponding tofamily allowances (/F03, /F04, /F05 y /F09; /F06, /F07, /F08 and /F11;and /F13, /F14, /F15 and /F19 for direct payment) and maternity (/121).
If additional wage types have been created for family allowances, thiscolumn can also include them, whenever this wage types cumulate in thetotal wage types family allowances (/125). For further information onthis cumulation, see IMG in section <(><<)>ZH>Argentinian Payroll ->Listings -> SIJP: Integrated Retirement and Pension Scheme->Define cumulation of family allowances for SIJP.
For the recruitment types as Scholarship holders or Assistants NationalScheme d.340/92, either the Welfare Fund field or the family allowancesfield are indicated with zero.
In the case of a change of the Legal Person of the employee within thespecified period, the employee appears in both lists corresponding toeach of the specific Legal Persons.
The employees are ordered according to an ascending order of theirC.U.I.L. numbers. In the first column, for each employee you mustintroduce a consecutive number which starts with 1 for each of theCompanies.
The first line of the list contains the totals of all employeesselected by company. These totals constitute the sum of the previouscolumns.
Following this list you also introduce totals in food vouchures/foodboxes, the employee fixed amount for ART and the percentage on the wageamount for ART.
The support list presents for each Company a heading which specifiesthe Legal Person, Company, month and year, the name of TemSe file andthe issue date for which the report has been run.
After processing all the Companies, the list edits a list of all theerrors detected in the execution of this report. &additional_hints&
Now the design data of the ASCII file, generated from this report, willbe described. The data of this design must be defined in the DGI systembefore obtaining the first importing results:
Field Start (column) Size (positions)
CUIL 1 11
Name and surname 12 30
Spouse/Living-in partner 42 1
Number of children 43 2
Situation code 45 2
Condition code 47 2
Activity code 49 2
Area code 51 2
Additional percentage (S) 0 0
Recruitment mod.code 53 3
Welfare fund code 56 6
Next of kin 62 2
Total remuneration 64 9
Tax remuneration 73 9
Amount family allowances 82 9
Voluntary amount 91 9
Additional amount (OS) 0 0
Social Insurance surplus 0 0
Welfare Fund surplus 0 0
Province town 100 50
Record total size: 149
There are no separators between fields.