SAP Program HARCMLI9 - Cash breakdown list

This report creates the currency list for personnel numbers, thepayroll area and the payroll period selected.
The components of this currency list are:
For each company section: a cover sheet, a list of coins/ bills andquantity for cash payment of salaries and wages, a payment list, and alist of signatures.
For each section of the company - Center, Company and country: a listof totals
An error list with those personnel numbers for who the amounts have notbeen found.
This report checks whether the Companies are in different countries andin the affirmative case, it automatically selects the correspondingcurrency.
To do this you must store the existing coins/ bills in table T520M intheir respective currencies. The following data is important:
Country Grouping (Molga)
Company Section

Wage type parameter for the net amount:
here you must introduce the wage type for which the payroll amountsmust be read and for which you must create a currency list.
In view of the usefulness of the currency list for the cash payment ofsalaries and wages, the default value is "/557".
The HARCMLI9 report is called internally and cannot be executed as anautonomous report, in such a manner that on execution, it is cancelledand an error message appears.
The main program of this report is the report RPCMLI09 (internationalreport).