SAP Program HARCIMPF - Final settlement on Income Tax

This report performs the annual Income Tax declaration calculation.
In the report selection screen, apart from the standard options, youcan specify the fiscal year for which you wish to execute the reportand Data refering to Batch Input.
Through this report the user can generate a batch input data set.
You can execute this batch input data set independently of the report.That is, you can execute the report HARCIMPF as many times as necessaryfor evaluating the results of the final Income Tax declaration, withoutneed of creating the batch input information for the ComplimentaryPayment infotype (0015).

This report:
is always executed for a fiscal year in which the corresponding payrollruns have already been made,
it must not be executed in the case of a contract termination withinthe same fiscal year.

On executing this report you create a support list for the control ofthe final Income Tax declaration.
From this list the user can generate and execute a batch input data setfor the selected record(s)
If you activate the button Execute BI for a specific record, yougenerate a batch input data set and the information contained in it isstored, as well, in the Complimentary payment infotype (0015).
If you activate the button Generate BI for a specific record, you onlygenerate one batch input data set. To execute this data set, you mustfollow the menu points System-> Services-> Batch input-> Process). Inthis case the information of the batch input data set is also stored inthe complimentary infotype (0015).
This list is presented in the following fields:
Number of personnel and name of selected employees.
Annual Tax: This field indicates the Specific Annual Tax. That is, whatthe employee must pay in tax for the entire year selected.
Total deducted: This quantity indicates what was deducted from theemployee until the settlement executed by this report. (That is, untilperiod 12).
Deduction/Return: You obtain this quantity by subtracting the Totaldeducted from the Annual Tax. If this quantity is followed by anegative sign, it means it is a return.
Wage Type and Date: The data that you introduce in these fields arethe same that you introduced previously in the selection screen. Ifthese fields are empty it means that in the selection screen you didnot select the checkbox "Generate batch input". This indicates that atest execution has been performed and therefore no wage type has beengenerated.
BI Generated y BI Executed: If the generation/ execution of batch inputhas been generated, you see an icon in the corresponding column. If abatch input data set has been generated for a record, a new batch inputdata set for this same record cannot be generated or executed withinthe same report execution.