SAP Program HARCDGI9 - R.G. 4110 - 4th Cat. Income Deductions - File Generation

This report generates a TemSe file to issue report R.G.4110-SICORE anda control list you can print.
As well as the standard selection options, you can indicate thefollowing data on the report selection screen:
Company: If you indicate a specific company, the TemSe file isgenerated only for this company.
Tax month and year: The month and year for which the report isgenerated.
Deductions to include: Using the three radio buttons found in thissection of the screen, you can specify whether the report must includeall deductions/returns, only normal deductions/returns, or only thosedeductions/returns that correspond to the Income Tax final settlement.
When executed, this report selects the employees whose staffing statusis "0 (Absent employees)" or "3 (Active employees)" in the selectedperiod. Of those employees found, you then select the ones who submitdeductions or returns in this period.

The control list first processes detailed data by personnel number.Then it processes total information by company.
If the system processes a negative amount (followed by a negative sign)in the checkbox corresponding to deductions, it indicates a return.
Each page in this list has a header that indicates the company, theperiod and the name of the corresponding TemSe file.
Once executed, the report can issue a list with the errors that mayhave occurred during processing. For this, flag the correspondingpushbutton on the list screen.