SAP Program HARCART0 - Remuneration statement for employees with LRIC licences

Through this report you generate an additional remuneration statementfor those employees who present a Labor Risks Insurance Company (LRIC)licence.
This report selects the employees who present a Labor Risks InsuranceCompany (LRIC) licence in:
the present period,
in a period for which a retroactive calculation is made in the presentperiod.
On executing this report the system calls the edition of remunerationstatement report internationally.
On the selection screen of the HARCART0 report you can introduce, inaddition to the standard selection parameters, certain data refering toremuneration statement.
To determine which employees present licences, this report reads theabsences that appear in the table AB in the payroll cluster (and NOTthe absences specific to the infotype 2001).

The screen obtained on executing this report depends on:
Whether you selected the checkbox "Spool Exit" or not.
The variant of the remuneration statement that you indicated in theselection field "Visual variant.Remuneration statement". The user cancreate the edition of remuneration statement report variant (HARCEDT0)that he deems most appropriate for these objectives and use it onexecuting this report.