SAP Program H99_POST_PAYMENT - Posting of Payments: Create Posting Run

All payments are posted automatically with this report.

If you have performed posting to Accounting (FI/CO), all openliabilities from Payroll are placed on the relevant liabilities accountsaccounts, as well as the payments to employees.
In the standard system, as the payment medium is created for thepayments to employees from HR, the system does not mechanically generatethe corresponding liabilities accounts. Neither the DME preliminaryprogram (programs RPCDTAx0, or RPCDTCx0 and HxxCDTC0, or RPRDTAx0 )or the program for creating the data medium (programs RFFO*) performposting in the FI general ledger. Therefore, if the system in HRgenerates the payment mediums for payments to employees, you must alsoperform manual postings in parallel. These manual postings are usuallyperformed with the payment summary. In most cases, there is only oneposting containing only a few posting items, that is, one posting itemfor each bank clearing account and each company code involved.
If, however, the liabilities are distributed according to expenses, moreposting items are generated. You can no longer perform posting manually.

With the report H99_POST_PAYMENT, all payments are evaluated regardlessof whether they have been paid or not. All wage types included in tableBT and table T52POST_PAYMENT count as payments.

You can only start the report H99_POST_PAYMENT if the control recordlocks payroll.

1091802ECC 6.0: Transferring changes to accounting - New GL