Parallel Processing of Report H99U_CONVERSION_46C with Limitation ofPayroll Area.

The report enables the planning of batch jobs for conversion reportH99U_CONVERSION_46C. Since the conversion is a very time-consumingprocess you can use this report to convert payroll results of differentpayroll areas for different times to the new format.
Payroll areas with weekly payroll run
Payroll areas with monthly payroll run
Payroll areas with employees who are no longer relevant to payroll, butfor whom old payroll results exist.
You can also use the selection option "Employee group" to convert theinactive employees separately from active employees. It is essentialthat the payroll results for inactive employees are converted as quicklyas possible because payroll for employees who are only temporarilyinactive, must also access the old payroll results. If these resultshave not been converted, this could lead to a short dump during thepayroll run. Employees, who have their status changed back to "active"retroactively when conversions for active and inactive employees aretaking place, are not taken into account in the conversion. To ensurethat all payroll results from the conversion were taken into account,you should check in table PCL2 (transaction SE16) after the conversionhas been completed successfully, to see whether there are still payrollresults with old version numbers for the used RELID (R*). These shouldthen be converted directly using report H99U_CONVERSION_46C.

The personnel numbers to be selected must be in the selected payrollarea and employee group when the report is started.
To improve the performance of the conversion you should connect, ifpossible, other servers and batch processes of the system that is to beconverted.
Avoid performing other activities in the system during the conversion.The optimal ratio of background jobs to the number of CPUs is in thiscase 1:1.



  • Number of jobs per batch process

  • The packages to be processed should be small enough so that during theconversion period all processes are busy up to the end of theconversion. The default on the selection screen is eight jobs, and it isbetter if you exceed this number rather than fall short of it.
    • Avoid manual server selection

    • Job processing always ensures that the next job to be processed receivesthe next free batch process. This functionality is only available if theserver to be used is not specified. If the servers are preselectedmanually the report distributes the processes equally to the individualbatch processes of the servers. If some servers process their jobs morequickly, they cannot then take on jobs planned for other servers.
      It is also recommended that an even number of jobs per batch process isselected for manual server selection. The number of personnel numbers tobe processed is certainly the same per job, but the number of payrollresults per employee is, however, different. If there is an even numberof batch processes, a job with many payroll results can always befollowed by a job with a lower number. In this way the runtime of theindividual batch processes per server can at least be similar.

      See also
      For more information, see the following sources:

      • ... Release information

      • Conversion of Payroll Results forOut-of-Sequence Check Processing
        • ... Conversion program documentation

        • H99U_CONVERSION_46C
          • ... Documentation for the parallel processing program

          • H99U_CONVERSION_SCHEDULER, and
            • ... The above documentation for the parallel processing program


488510H99U_CONVERSION_46C: Performance corrections