SAP Program H99UDDED - Overview - Development of Wage Types for Deduction Functionality

Deduction analysis tool

This report is used as an analysis tool for deduction functionality.You are required to compare the development of wage types from pastpayroll periods to those from a new payroll run or those from asimulation.

To ensure that past payroll runs can be compared to a payrollsimulation or a new payroll run, the report must be started from thepayroll menu. It may only contain results for a single employee.
Goto --> Deduction analysis


If a validity period is entered in the report selection screen, allpayroll results with a suitable date for the in period and for periodare output. Results with actuality indicator "P" and "O" are alsoprocessed, even if the dates of their in period or for period are notwithin the selected period, if their periods are still important as aresult of a payroll sequence.
The wage types to be compared can be preselected manually. It is alsopossible to use a radio button to specify that wage types with a V0split, or wage types from deduction tables T51P1 and T51P6, will beprocessed.
Cluster tables RT, CRT, ARRRS, and DDNTK are available for the dataimport.

First, the payroll periods are output with the actuality indicators.The wage types pertaining to the selected entries are then displayed onthe next screen.
If the wage types are in the deduction tables, the DEDUCTIONS buttoncan be used to display the assignment of wage types and thecharacteristics of wage types and/or of arrears processing.
You can use the ALV-GRID-CONTROLS functions to edit data output.