SAP Program H99CWTR0_CE_LIST_MX - Wage type reporter

The Wage Type Reporter evaluates wage types from the payroll results fora chosen period. This is data from the tables RT (Result Table) and WPBP(Work Place Basic Pay) of the payroll results. Other tables and datafrom infotypes are not evaluated.

Selection Parameter Description

You have the standard selection fields of the PNPCE logical databaseavailable. Note that selection based on organizational criteria in thesefields need not correspond to the selection of payroll results for theselected organizational unit. Differences can occur for retroactivemaster data changes. We recommend that you also include the objects usedas the selection criteria in the object selection (see below).

Determining the period
You specify the evaluation period and the required view of the payrollresults.
Example: chosen period 01/01/1998 to 03/31/1998
For the in-period view, all results that were created IN thatperiod are selected, whereby the period end date is used for the periodassignment. In the example, a payroll run IN February 1998 FOR December1997 would be included, however, a payroll run IN May 1998 FOR February1998 would not be used.
For the for-period view, all results that were created FOR thatperiod are selected, whereby the period payment date is used for theperiod assignment. A payroll run IN February 1998 FOR December 1997would not be included, however, a payroll run IN May 1998 FOR February1998 would be used.

Further Selections
The wage type selection allows you to restrict to certain wage types.
You use the Object Selection function to define which columns aredisplayed in the list and which objects are summarized.
Example: You choose company code, wage type, and in-period.
The selected objects are printed as columns in the list and the objectsnot selected are summarized.

You can choose between the output formats List Viewer and MicrosoftExcel. The report can only run in batch processing mode if used with theList Viewer.
NOTE: To use the Excel option, your system must have at least SAP GUIversion 4.5A, Windows 95 or NT4.0, and Excel 97.
You can use templates. You should proceed in such a way that templatesand variants are initially created.

List Viewer
You can use the layout to set up the List Viewer output as you choose.You can move and suppress columns, form totals and sort sequences,define filters, and save layouts for later use. For more information,see the online List Viewer documentation. Note: You should make surethat the object selection is compatible with a possible chosen layout.It is only useful to use a layout with various object selections incertain cases.

Excel Output
When using the Excel output, we recommend the following:
Start the report with the required selections without specifying anExcel model template.
You get the raw data table.
First give this table suitable column headers. Insert this as the firstline.
Select all of the data area columns. It is not sufficient to restrictthe selection to the lines that are currently filled as more lines maybe filled in later runs.
Choose the Pivot Table Report and create the report you require. Insertthis into a new worksheet. For more information about working with PivotTables, see the Excel documentation.
The required Pivot Table is displayed. To save this as a template,proceed as follows:
Switch to the raw data table and select all data (not the columnheaders).
Remove the selected data.
Place the cursor in the first column and second line (under the header).
Save as a model template (.xlt).
You can now reuse this template. The object selection must be the sameas when creating the template. Enter the template path. When you startthe report, the newly filled raw data table appears again. Choose theworksheet with the Pivot Table and update the table.