SAP Program H99CWTR0_CE - Wage Type Reporter

The wage type reporter valuates wage types from the payroll results fora selected period. This is data from tables RT (Results Tables) and WPBP(Work Place Basic Pay) of the payroll results. Other tables and datafrom infotypes are not evaluated.

Description of the selection parameters

The standard selection fields of the logical PNPCE database areavailable for you to use. Note that a selection according toorganizational criteria in these fields does not necessarily have tocorrespond to a selection of payroll results for the selectedorganizational unit. Differences can occur due to retroactive changes inthe master data. We recommend you also include objects which you used inthe search in the object selection (see below).

Period determination
You specify the evaluation period and the required view of the payrollresults.
Example: selected period 01.01.1998 to 03.31.1998
For the in-period view, all results are selected that occurred INthis period. The period end date is decisive for the perioddetermination. A payroll run IN February 1998 FOR December 1997 would beincluded in the example, but a payroll run IN May 1998 FOR February 1998would not.
For the for-period view, all results are selected that occurred FOR
the selected period. The period payment date is decisive for theperiod determination. A payroll run IN February 1998 FOR December 1997would now not be included. However, a payroll run IN May 1998 FORFebruary 1998 would.

Additional selections
You can use wage type selection to limit the selection to certain wagetypes.
With object selection you can define which columns should appearin the output list and which objects should be hidde.
Example: You select company code, wage type, and in-period.
The selected objects appear as columns in the output list, the objectsthat were not selected are compressed.

You can choose whether the output should be in the form of a listvieweror Microsoft Excel. The report only supports batches if it is run in thelist viewer.
CAUTION: Prerequisite for the Excel option is at least SAPGUI version4.5A, Windows 95 or NT4.0, and Excel 97.
You can use templates. Templates and variants should be created first.

You can use the layout to format the listviewer output as you choose.You can shift and hide columns, create totals and sort orders, definefilters, and save layouts to be used later. For more information, seethe online documentation on the listviewer. Caution: you must ensurethat the object selection is compatible with a selected layout. It isonly of limited use to use a layout with different object selection.

Excel output
We recommend the following when using Excel:
Start the report with the required selections without entering an Excelsample template.
You receive a raw data table.
First enter suitable column headers in the table. Insert these in thefirst row.
Select all the columns of the data area. It is not sufficient to limitthe selection to the rows that are filled at the time since more rowscould be filled during later runs.
Choose the pivot table assistant and structure your required report. Addthis on a new worksheet. For more information on working with pivottables, see the Excel documentation.
You receive the required pivot table. To save this as a template,proceed as follows:
Switch to the raw data table and select all the data (not just thecolumn headers).
Delete the selected data.
Place your cursor in the first column and second row (under the header)
Save it as a sample template (.xlt).
You can now reuse this template. The object selection must be the sameas when creating the template. Enter the template path. When you startthe report, the newly filled raw data table appears. Choose theworksheet with the pivot table and update it.