This report lets you delete entries from the grouping tables of theselection IDs. You can delete the assignments of users that no longerexist. In addition, you can delete the grouping assignments of existingusers.
You can also delete selection IDs and groupings in the correspondingCustomizing activity
Define Selection IDs under 'PersonnelManagement' -> ''Human Resources Information System' -> 'Selection IDs'-> 'Define Selection IDs'.

The first option 'Delete all entries of users no longer in the system'lets you select entries in table HRSEL_GROUPING whose users are nolonger in the system.
The option 'Delete entries of specific users' lets you select entriesfor any users, regardless of whether they are in the system or not.
In both cases, the entries in table HRSEL_GROUPING are selected anddisplayed. You can remove entries from the list displayed. You thendelete all remaining entries from the database table with the 'Delete'function. A confirmation prompt is displayed before the deletion.
The third option directly accesses the selection view of the selectionIDs. From here you can delete any seleciton IDs that are no longerneeded.
You cannot delete selection IDs automatically since they may be usedelsewhere.