SAP Programs

Program Text
GFW_PROG_MTA GFW: Programming example of a milestone-trend analysis
GFW_PROG_PIE GFW: Programming example of a pie chart
GFW_PROG_POINT_WITH_LABEL GFW: Programming example of a chart with a labelled point
GFW_PROG_PORTFOLIO GFW: Programming example of a bar chart
GFW_PROG_PRES_SHOW_MULT GFW: Programming example: Bus. graphic funct.mod.+ optional params
GFW_PROG_SPEEDOMETER GFW: Programming example of a bar chart
GFW_PROG_TIME_AXIS GFW: Programming example of a scatter chart with time axis
GFW_PROG_TUTORIAL GFW: Programming example of a simple business graphic = GFW tutorial
GFW_TIMEPROTOCOL GFW: Log containing time measurements for GFW
GHECOMPH Komponentenhierarchie aus DF41S in Hierarchieablage umsetzen
GHECOPY1 Kopiert alle Prozesse der Prozeßsicht, um Varianten anlegen zu können
GHEDEVC2 Assignment of Packages to Processes and Functions
GHEFUN01 Szenarios, Prozesse, Funktionen als Liste
GHEFUN02 Setzen des Flags MAIN_PRO für Funktionen, Prozesse, Szenarien
GHEFUNCVAR Funktionsvarianten aus DF55L in Hierarchieablage umsetzen
GHEINOU1 Input-/Output-Informationen umsetzen
GHEPDEL1 Löschen von Mappenstrukturen
GHEPFOL1 Erzeugen einer Mappenstruktur für die Prozeßsicht
GHEPRO01 Setzen des Felds MAIN_PRO für Funktionen
GHEPROCBAC Prozeßzuord. zu Komponentenaus DF41S in Hierarchieablage umsetzen
GHEPROCFCT Funktionsstücklisten aus DF41S in Hierarchieablage umsetzen
GHEPROCIMG IMG-Zuordnungen zu Prozeßbausteinen in Hierarchieablage umsetzen
GHEPV001 Gibt die Prozeßsicht 3.1 als Liste aus
GHEREP01 Deletion of Table DF50* Entries with no Project
GHEREP02 Analysis Report Program
GHESVAR2 Szenario-/Prozeßbausteine ohne Varianten
GHETAB01 Übernehmen von Tabelleninhalten aus anderen Systemen
GHE_ACT_ASS_COMP IMG Activities that Are Assigned to Components
GHE_ACT_COMPLETE Checks whether all IMG activities are assigned to a model element
GHE_ACT_LIST Lists Activities Assigned to Model Elements
GHE_COPY_REFMODEL Überschreiben der Ref.modelltabellen mit denen aus einem Remote-System
GHE_DEL_TCODE Löschen des Transaktionscodes bei Funktionen
GHE_DL_COMPONENT_VIEW Download der Komponentensicht in eine Texttabelle
GHE_DL_COMPONENT_VIEW_46B Komponentenhierarchie 4.6b downloaden
GHE_DL_LOIOS Herunterladen Dokuzuordnungen Referenzmodell
GHE_DL_PROCESS_VIEW_GET Mit GHE_DL_PROCESS_VIEW im Batch erzeugte Daten in ein File schreiben
GHE_DL_TABLES Download der Referenzmodell-Tabellen (Texte, Filter, Strukturen)
GHE_MINIMIZE_DF54S Löscht im R/3 überflüssige Einträge in den Variantentabellen
GHE_QUESTIONS_USED Verwendungsnachweis Fragen
GHE_REFHIER_QUESTIONS Report für Referenzhierarchie inkl. Fragen
GHE_REFSTRUCT_TRANSPORT Schreiben in Transportauftrag
GHE_VARIANTS_WO_NODES Varianten ohne enabelte Knoten
GJV2_ACT_IN_CLIENT activate Joint Venture in Client
GJVUMD JV Exit Routines for SAPLGUMD
GJV_BAPI_MAP_DOC JV mapping for BAPI Parameter fields -> internal table fields
GJV_BPD Online dokumentation of JV BAPI Parameters
GJV_BPMD Technical documentation of JV BAPI Parameters
GLOS_CREATE_LETTERLIST Create Letters List in KW for the First Time
GLOS_DOWNLOAD_HTML Download programm for glossary
GLOS_KEN_REORG_LETTERLIST Refresh Terminology Lists in Glossary and Check Into KW
GLOS_KEN_TRANSFER Delayed Posting of Glossary Entries to the Knowledge Engineer
GLOS_REORG_HEADER Check and Correct Glossary Entry Titles (Component Key)
GLOS_SE1 Global Search for Glossary Entries with List Output
GLOS_UPDATE_OLD_GLOSSARY Place Current Glossary in Old Tables
GLO_VATDATE Tax Date Migration Tool
GMDIREAD GM direct input template program
GM_BILLING_IND Grants Management: Resource-Related Billing - Individual Processing
GM_BILLING_MASS Mass Processing of Grants Management Billing
GM_BILLING_MASS_WL Process objects in WL for Grants
GM_BILL_STATUS_BLOCK Block Items for Resource Related Billing
GM_BUDGET_DATA_DELETE Delete Budget Documents in GM
GM_LIST Goods movement list
GM_MILESTONE_BILLING Milestone and Periodic Billing of Grants
GM_RECONCILIATION_CO Reconciliation of Controlling Documents in GM
GM_RECONCILIATION_EF Reconciliation of Earmarked Funds in GM
GM_RECONCILIATION_PK Reconciliation of FI Parked Documents in GM
GM_RECONCILIATION_PO Reconciliation of Purchase Orders in GM
GM_RECONCILIATION_PR Reconciliation of Purchase Requisitions in GM
GM_RECONSTRUCTION_FI_DELETE GM Ledger Data: Delete Actual Line Items and Correct Totals Records
GM_RECONSTRUCTION_FI_REPOST Transfer Documents from Financial Accounting to Grants Management
GM_REVALUATION Revaluation of Currency for Grants Management
GNBILLDL Maintain Billing Due List
GNR_GEN_DATE_CHECK Check Object Generation Dates
GNR_NAVIGATOR_INITIAL_SCREEN Start of the generation workbench
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_DELTAINI MW Portal Delta/ Initial Generation Status
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_ERR_BDOC Start of the generation status navigator for Bdoc Types with errors
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_ERR_BDOCS Start of the generation status navigator for Bdoc Type segments with e
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_ERR_PUBLI Start of the generation status navigator for publication objects with
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_ERR_REPLI Start of the generation status navigator of replication objects
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_INI_BDOC Start of the generation status navigator for Bdoc Types
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_INI_BDOCS Start of the generation status navigator for Bdoc Type segments ini
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_INI_PUBLI Start of the generation status navigator for publication objects
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_INI_REPLI Start of the generation status navigator for replication objects
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_SUC_BDOC Start of the generation status navigator for Bdoc Types
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_SUC_BDOCS Start of the generation status navigator for Bdoc Type segments succ
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_SUC_PUBLI Start of the generation status navigator for publication objects
GNR_NAVIGATOR_STATUS_SUC_REPLI Start of the generation status navigator for replication objects
GNR_STATUS_BDOC Generation status of Bdoc Types without segments
GNR_STATUS_PUBLI Generation status of publication objects
GNR_STATUS_REPLI Generation status of replication objects
GNR_WB_CONTEXT_MENUS Context Menus for Generation Workbench
Lines 10601 to 10700 of 57103 entries
1 105 106 107 108 109 572