SAP Program GRAPHICS_IGS_ADMIN - Internet Graphics Service: Administration


This program is for administering and monitoring the Internet GraphicsService (IGS).
You can also use this program to fetch dump files generated by the IGSif it terminates. SAP Support can use the information in these files tofind out why the termination occurred.

You must install an IGS.
To use the dump files you must install a 6.30 IGS that runs against thesystem you are using.
You must maintain an RFC destination in transaction SM59 (see Note454042).

The Initial Administration Page
The initial administration page displays:

  • A graphic showing the number of calls made to the IGS

  • A graphic showing the minimum, average and maximum response times

  • A list of interpreters

  • The Status Page
    The status page displays information on the following:
    • Connected listeners

    • Registered portwatchers

    • Registered interpreters

    • Free servers

    • Registered types

    • The Statistics Page
      The statistics page displays information on the following:
      • Uptime of multiplexer and portwatchers

      • The number of calls to each interpreter

      • Dump List
        This function is available for the IGS as of release 6.30.
        If the IGS terminates dump lists are generated. These lists aredisplayed on the dump list screen. You can download dump files byclicking on a dump list. SAP Support can then analyse these files tosee why the IGS has terminated.
        Configuration File
        When the IGS is installed a configuration file is generated. To displaythis file choose the menu options IGS -> Configuration.

        You can display the Status, Statistics and Dump List screens bychoosing the relevant buttons.
        You can use an SAP System (6.10 and later) to monitor the IGS. The CCMStransaction rz20 is used as the monitoring tool. It gives you anoverview of the current IGS configuration.
        You can activate/deactivate the IGS display in rz20 as follows:

        • Choose Environment -> Turn on CCMS / Turn off CCMS.

        • For more information on the CCMS monitoring function, read"IGSTechDocs" in the IGS installation.

995471IGS administration via ABAP
1336513WD ABAP ALV Graphics: COMMUNICATION_ERROR during call (IGS)
653249Chart only generates column graphics
1139153IGS Dump List is not sorted correctly
1137870Legend on IGS administration page is not displayed
536256Display of numbers in chart graphic
988677New transaction SIGS
950636Menu IGS -> Configuration does not show configuration file
845259Short dump when displaying IGS logs