SAP Program GN_XPRA_CRM52 - XPRA for CRM 5.2 Upgrade

Generation XPRA for CRM 5.2

Prepares generation and sets back middleware check tables


Preparing generation of industry spec. objects, changed SAP BDoc typesand new customer BDocs
Reset middleware check tables for release and support package

Preparing generation
All industry specific objects, changed SAP BDoc types and new customerBDocs are selected. The list of all objects where a new generation isneeded is added to the work list of middleware generation. This listwill be processed after the upgrade either manually (via transactionGN_START) or via the periodic background job.
=> In case of errors in this step, please start a complete generationvia transaction SMOGTOTAL.

Reset middleware check tables
Post processing steps for SP and Upgrade activities are logged intotables TMW_REL_STAT and TMW_SP_STAT. The upgrade relevant entriesofbles are reset here.
=> In case of errors in this step, please restart this report. Softwarecomponent BBPCRM has to be installed in the system (an entry has toexist in table CVERS).