SAP Program FTR_INCONF00 - Confirmation Status in TR Transactions Via User Exit

You can use report program FTR_IMCONF00 to change the status fields forincoming and outgoing confirmations, and for execution or confirmationtimes in the business transaction or correspondence data record.
You first have to fill the fields DTKEY and SWIFTREF in user exit 001in table T_KORES in order to identify the relevant SWIFT data records.The complete VTBKORES records you selected and the transactionactivities referred to are available in user exit 002.
All information within the user exit, which was changed in the 8 statusfields SCONFIRM, DEXDAT, TEXDAT, UEXNAM, SRECONFIRM, DREDAT, TREDAT andURENAM, is written back to the database.

Report program FTR_INCONF00 only permits SWIFT data records.