SAP Program FSCD_ACTIVATE_OPORD - Activate Classification Key and Broker Field for Payment Plan Items

You can use this report to activate the Classification Key (
OPORD) and Broker (BROKR) fields, for usage inCollections/Disbursements.

In order to use the fields in Collections/Disbursements, you must firstactivate them for Contract Accounts Receivable & Payable FI-CA).

  • You activate the classification key in the
  • Classification Key IMG activity.
    • You activate the broker field in the
    • Include Broker Field in Business PartnerItem IMG activity.

      The report adds the FKK_ENH_OPORD and FKK_ENH_BROKRstructures to the appropriate customer includes. After activation, theOPORD and BROKR fields are available as follows:

      • For Direct Input for payment plan items in the SVVSCPOS_B structure
      • (include CI_ISCD)
        • In the table for payment plan items VVSCPOS (include CI_PP)

        • In the table for payment plan subitems VVSCITEM (include CI_VVSCITEM)