SAP Program FSBP_TC_REORG - Total Commitment: Reorganization of Buffer Tables (Database)

Using this report you can delete data from the total commitment buffertables. This applies to tables BPTC01, BPTC02 and BPTC03.
These tables are used if the total commitment data is not readsynchronously.

If checkbox "Data Synchronization with BUT000" is selected, the datarecords from the buffer tables - in accordance with the selection - arecompared with business partners existing in BUT000.
Usage: Assuming business partner have been archived. During archiving,entries are deleted from table BUT000. However, entries for exactlythese business partners would then remain in the total commitmentbuffer tables. This means the report enables you to identify and deletedata you no longer need from tables BPTC01, BPTC02 and BPTC03.
If the checkbox is not selected, the data is deleted without furtherchecks. This can be used, for example, for an initialization of thebuffer tables.