SAP Program FSBP_FTBU_BP3000_TO_BP3010 - Conversion Report BP3000 to BP3010

The FSBP_FTBU_BP3000_TO_BP3010 report converts the additionaldata of the SAP Business Partner for Financial Services, thecustomer-defined field modifications (data element texts) andCustomizing from table BP3000 to table BP3010 (and the correspondingCustomizing table).

The report is run as part of the release upgrade.


The report converts additional data with its relevant Customizingsettings per client. You have to start it separately in each systemclient.
Existing identical entries (Customizing and data) are overwritten.
Application data is only transferred to the new table if correspondingCustomizing settings exist in the old additional data.
Note that the read module of additional data table BP3000 also needs tobe replaced in applications you have developed yourself with the newBP3010 table when you convert to the new additional data (replaceFSBP_DBREAD_BP3000 with FSBP_DBREAD_BP3010 and FTBP_READ_BP3000 withFSBP_READ_BP3010).
The report for deleting BP3000 data and Customizing isFSBP_FTBU_BP3000_DELETE. Run this report as required for each clientafter a successful conversion. Refer to the report documentation.

A log with error or success messages is output when the report has beencompleted.
The STATUS field of status table FSBP_BP3000_10_Scontains information about the success of the report. The data elementdocumentation contains possible values. If the report terminates witherrors, you can restart where the report left off by restarting thereport.

Choose System -> Services -> Reporting
Enter the technical name of the report in the Program field andchoose Execute. Depending on the size of the data table, you canalso plan the report to run in the background.
Choose a package size for the conversion (the system proposes a defaultvalue of 100).