SAP Program FRE_SEND_TSD - Transfer consumption data and stock information to F&R

Transfer consumption data and stock information to F&R

Execution of Forecasting and Replenishment in F&R requires inputfrom external systems. A part of these input are stock information andconsumption data for stores and DC's from the SAP Retail system. Tosupply F&R with the required data, this report selects stockinformation and consumption data for relevant article/site-combinationsand transfers these data to F&R.


In general, only data for article/site-combinations stored in tableFRE_DB_ART_SITE will be processed. From this specified amount only thoseentries will be processed, for which stock has changed. With thesettings on selection screen the data selection and data transfer fromthis specified amount will be affected.
Input in block "Selection settings" for Site and Article restrictthe data selection to these article/site-combinations.
The block "Transfer settings" controls the kind of data, whichwill be selected and transferred. Only the marked kind of data will beprocessed.
Differing from the normal run, with the parameter "Transfer datageneral" in this block it is possible to enforce the data transferfor specified article/site-combination. If this parameter is set, datawill be transferred even when there is no stock change for thisarticle/site-combination.
Normally only for the first transfer of an article/site-combination to F
R consumption data will be selected and transferred with "numberof periods for initial load". Thereafter the "number of periods fornormal load" will be used. The parameter "Consumption data selectionwith no of periods for initial load" affects this logic. Setting thisparameter enforce a generally transfer of consumption data with "numberof periods for initial load".