User Interface for Connectivity Interfaces between SAP R/3 and SAP F


This Report shows and deletes Messages which came up in unattendedInterface runs. It is also designed to read and reprocess backup filesfrom previous Interface runs.

Message handling
All Errors, Warnings, Information etc. that occur during Inbound andOutbound processing are stored as Messages in a central Message Table onthe Database. This Messages can be displayed in chronological order oftheir occurrences and separated for In- and Outbound Processing.
Not processed Order Proposals are stored in the Inbound Buffer Tables.The User Interface can also be used to view the Content of the InboundBuffer Tables. It offers also the Possibility to change the Status ofthe not processed Order Proposals, to enable their reprocessing, orselected Records can also be deleted.

Display File list
Backup files with the content of an Outbound Interface run are createdand stored in a Directory for a possible Retransmission. They can beviewed, deleted and reprocessed through this Report.

The report is realized with ALV Functionality.
The first Function is used to show, reprocess and delete Messages.
The second function of the user Interface is the Possibility toreprocess and retransmit already transmitted Datasets. During a normalInterface run the Outbound Interface transmits Data to F&R. Thetransmitted Datasets are saved into Files, to give the users thePossibility to repeat the Transmission if an Error on the receiving Siteshould have happened. The User Interface shows the created Files bytheir name. If necessary a single File or all selected Files could beretransmitted to SAP F&R.
The reprocessing Function includes more than only a Retransmission ofthe selected Files, because the Retransmission could overwrite currentDocuments with out of date Information in the target System. This wouldhappen if the same R/3 Document would be contained in an erroneous DataTransmission and also in a later and correct processed DataTransmission. In this case a Retransmission of the failed Dataset wouldlead to an error, because the up to date Values in the Document would beoverwritten with out of date Values from preceding Transmissions.
The reprocessing Function therefore reads the actual data from thecorresponding SAP R/3 Tables for all the Documents contained in the Fileand transmits the latest Version of the Document to SAP F&R.


The Radiobutton is used to switch between the two main Functionalitiesof the Report.

Message handling
All Messages from one Interface run are linked together through theInterface Name, the Date and Time of the Interface run.
The Select Option 'Interface' can be used to specify the Interface.
The Parameter 'Transmission Date' is used to show only Interface runs ofthe specified Date.
The Select Options 'Object' and 'Object Key' could be used to reduce theResult of a Selection and shows only Messages to the selected Objects.These both Options could be used especially for Analysis Aspects.
The Select Option 'Message Types' can be used to select Messages with aspecific Type.
Message Types are: E (Error), W (Warning), S (Success), I (Info), A(Abort)

Show Interface Files
The Select Option 'Filename' is used to specify an Filename.
The Select Option 'Interface' can be used to specify the Interface.
The Parameter 'Send Date' is used to show only Files created on thespecified Date.

ALV List Format

751002Error in FRE_UI