SAP Program FRE_MD_IF_DELETE - Delete Entries from Interface Tables of MC/MC-Hierarchy Interface

All Objects sent to SAP F&R via the SAP F&R PRODUCT InboundInterface are stored in the Central SAP R/3 PI Product TableFRE_MD_PRODUCT. This makes shure, that every Object created in SAP F
R as product is unique.
If the Implementaion of the BAdI FRE_MCH_ID_MOD_BADI does not workpropperly it may happen that an Article, that should be transmitted toSAP F&R exist e.g. as Merchandize Category with the same Key inTable FRE_MD_PRODUCT. This Article won't be transmitted to SAP F&Rbecause of Inconsistencies on SAP F&R side.
This Report helps to solve this Problem.
This Report deletes Merchandize Categories or MC-Hierarchy-Nodes fromthe Interface Tables FRE_MC_MCH_NODE, FRE_MC_MCH_KEYW and FRE_MCH andthe corresponding entries in the Product Table FRE_MD_PRODUCT. For thesedeleted Merchandize Categories or MC-Hierarchy-Nodes and all dependendMC_Hierarchy-Records a Deletion Record is transmitted to SAP F&R.
After the BAdI-Implementation is set up again and works properly theMerchandize Categories or MC-Hierarchy-Nodes and the dependendMC-Hierarchy-Records will be recognized in the next Delta-Load andtransmitted to SAP F&R again.
The affected Articles should now be unique and also transmitted to SAP F
