SAP Program FRE_CALCULATE_PLIFZ - Calculate planned delivery time

With this program the planned delivery time can be calculated when using'Scheduling Fashion'. It is saved on the database in the article sitemaster data (MARC) or the purchasing organisation data of the inforecord (EINE).
In both cases change pointers are created for the planned delivery time.These change pointers are evaluated later on from the next run of thestandard report FRE_DELTA_LOAD so that the changes are transmitted toSAP F&R.

'Scheduling Fashion' must be active in general.
To verify this, the system checks for the entry '1' (= 'Maximumdateline') or '3' (= 'Maximum before minimum dateline') in fieldCALC_TYPE in customizing table WRFT_CAL_DS.
The maintenance can be done with transaction S_XB4_60000040.