SAP Program FOPC_SCHEDULE_REORG - Clear Scheduling

After you have reorganized cases and workflows, you can use this program
to delete the corresponding scheduling as well.
You can use this program to delete data records in the following tables:




  • Do not use this program in live systems due to the danger ofresulting data inconsistencies. This is especially true when work itemsand cases still exist for the scheduling.

    For scheduling to be deleted, the following prerequisites must be fulfil

    • The timeframe for which the scheduling needs to be deleted must not yet
    • be closed and the start date must lie in the future. You can check thisusing program FOPC_CLOSING_CHECK.
      • All cases and work items corresponding to the task to be deleted for the

      • organizational unit in the timeframe must be deleted or canceled. Youdo this using program FOPC_AS_REORG.
        • The closing information in table FOPCCLOSING must be deleted. You do
        • this using program FOPC_CLOSING_DELETE.

          You can select by organizational unit, task and timeframe. The systemonly offers you those tasks for which scheduling exists.
          If you leave the Organizational Unit field empty, the programselects the central scheduling and the scheduling for all organizationalunits.

          On the basis of the selection criteria, the program lists which scheduli
          ng exists. For a given entry, you can display whether there are anycorresponding cases and workflows (program FOPC_AS_REORG) and whatclosing status the organizational unit has (program FOPC_CLOSING_CHECK).To display this information, select the entry and choose the appropriatepushbutton.
          To delete an entry, select it and choose Delete.
          Note: First delete the scheduling for the organizational units,and then
          delete the central scheduling.
          If the prerequisites listed above under "Prerequisites" are not fulfille
          d, the program does not delete the scheduling.