SAP Program FOPC_10_SP13_TL_UPGRADE - Test Log: Conversion into "Owner" and "Processor"

The Owner and Processor fields are now displayed in thetest log. This is because, previously, the data displayed in theCreated by and Changed by fields in the test log were notuseful in many cases (such as after transfer to a new timeframe). Thesenew fields show the user ID of the person who created (in the case ofthe owner) or changed (in the case of the processor) a test log online.
You can use this program to convert existing test logs in all clients.Execute this program when you upgrade from CGVMIC 1.0 SP12 or FINBASIS3.0 SP7 to a higher Support Package or to mySAP ERP 2005.
The program converts the contents of the following test log fields:


  • Prerequisites
    Since this program changes the data on the database directly, you mustensure that nobody is working in MIC - in any client - when you executethe conversion program.

    The program converts the test logs in all clients.

    To check which data would be changed by the program, you can firstexecute the program in a test run. A test run does not make any changesto the data on the database.

    The program lists the cases for all test logs and specifies whether itwas possible to perform the conversion. If the conversion could beperformed, the program displays the contents of the old and new fields.
    If you have not set the Test Run indicator, the changes tothe data are written to the database accordingly.

    Execute the program once for all clients.
    You can execute the program more than once. Once data records have beenconverted, they are not converted again.