SAP Program FM_LGD_ELKO_STATISTIK - Posting Statistic for Acct Statement

Posting statistic for electronic account statement.

Display of electronic account statement on aggregated level. The bankturnover of a batch input group is used as the aggregated level.

The clearing control is used.
The clearing control assigns a batch input folder abbreviation forgrouping bank turnover.

An account statement is defined on the selection screen for each housebank through the statement number and statement date or the short key.To define an account statement, you can use a search help program bychoosing Search for Account Statement. The header data on thecorresponding account statement is displayed on the selection screen.

With the search help program you can limit the search by statementnumber, statement date and short key for each house bank. The selectionusing one of these criterium is necessary. The search help programdelivers a SAP list viewer with header data on the determined accountstatements. The corresponding account statements can be transferred tothe selection screen by clicking on the key fields. By double clickingon the fields Amount, Currency or Batch Input SessionAbbreviation you branch to the posting statistic of the accountstatement.
The posting statistic for the account statement summarizes the bankturnover for each batch input session abbreviation. The number of bankturnovers and the total amount are displayed. By double clicking on theMagnifying Glass you can go to the Account Statement Printout for all the turnover of the batch input group. By clicking on thekey fields, you can display the corresponding turnover for each batchinput group. By double-clicking on the Magnifying glass you c anbranch to the Account Statement Printout for all the trunover ofthe batch input group. By double-clicking on the remaining fields, youcan branch to the corresponding payment documents.
You can also go to the Account Statement Printout andcorresponding payment documents from the individual bank turnover. Fromthe payment doucment you can branch to the corresponding FI document byclicking on the column Document Number. You can also go to theindividual display of items for the corresponding FI account bydouble-clicking on fields Customer, Vendor or GeneralLedger. By double-clicking on the Magnifying Glass you getback to the account statement printout of the corresponding bankturnover.