SAP Program FMPP_START - Partial Payment by General Ledger Account Assignments


Partial Payment by General Ledger (G/L) Account Assignment

Process Overview
Usually, amounts in FI documents are split to the General Ledger (G/L)concerning of the enclosing Split Characteristics (GL entities) of theincluded line items. The amount is spread over all the accountassignments involved, according to how they occur in the line items. Instandard FI transactions, such spltting is not possible. possible.
For users to have the option of paying FI documents by SplitCharacteristics in the new G/L, the partial payment by G/L accountassignment function in Fund Accounting has to be activated. This istransaction FMPP, which provides all relevant featuresas follows:
Selection of documents by G/L account assignment, documentnumber, or run ID
Show line items (of the referencing document (invoice)) in an ALV listwith relevant fields (document number, entities, amount)
Calculate and propose payment amounts for selected account assignments
Edit, check, and commit these proposals
Create payment requests by saving the confirmed line items
Handle Items of this 'Partial Payment by Fund' process in a separatetable (FMPPFUND).
This process results in payment requests, which are paid automaticallyin the payment run.
If possible, particular variations arising by manual payments,reversals, or credit memos, are caught by the corresponding BusinessTransaction Event (BTE) 1025.
You can use Partial Payment by Fund with different scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: Pay invoice by means of payment request (only).

  • The invoice is covered completely by payment requests created usingtransaction FMPP and paid by the transactionF110 payment program.
    After the last payment request is entered, the payment block must bedeleted. When you reverse one of these payment requests, the paymentblock has to set again. After the payment run (or after manual paymentand clearing), the invoice work items cannot be selected again.
    • Scenario 2: Pay invoice by means of partial payment (only).

    • The invoice is covered completely by a partial payment referencingpayment requests created using transaction FMPP andpaid using transaction F110. After the last paymentrequest is entered, the payment block has to be deleted too. The invoicecan be cleared by payment run or manually.
      • Scenario 3: Pay invoice by means of partial payment and payment request

      • The invoice is covered by a partial payment referring to paymentrequests (created using transaction FMPP) and paymentrequests (mixed scenario) paid using transaction F110.After the last partial payment, the payment block must be deleted. Theinvoice must be cleared by a payment run.
        • Scenario 4: Pay invoice by means of partial payment, payment request,
        • and credit memo
          The invoice is covered by a partial payment referring to paymentrequests (created using transaction FMPP) , paymentrequests (mixed scenario) paid using transaction F110and credit memos referencing invoices with matched G/L accountassignments and amounts. After invoice amount is fully covered, thepayment block must be deleted from invoice and credit memos. The invoicemust be cleared by a payment run.

          Payment Run: Free Selection of G/L Entities
          Additionally, items can be restricted in 'Payment Run' by G/L-Entities(such as the fund) using "Free Selections".

          Transaction: Partial Payment by Split Characteristics
          The partial payment by split characteristics transaction provides aneasy way to create partial payments by creating and handling paymentrequest.

          The process 'Partial Payment by split characteristics' is located amongfollowing processes and uses different components:

          • Transactions F-53 and F-28 - Post Outgoing Payments and Post Incoming
          • Payments
            • Transaction F-59 - Post Payment Request

            • Program SAPF110V or transaction F110

            • New G/L Accounting
            • Prerequisites
              General customizing settings for Financial Accounting (New) must bedone, especially in the step Define DocumentSplitting Characteristics for General Ledger Accounting (see
              General Ledger Accounting (New)->Business Transactions->DocumentSplitting).
              Furthermore, customizing for partial payment by G/L account assignmentsin transaction FMPP_CONTROL must be adjusted.The partial payment by fund feature must be activated, along withrelevant G/L account assignments. The allowed document types in FMPPshould also be maintained.


              • On the selection screen, the company code and fiscal year are required
              • fields.
                • You can use the other fields, especially those for G/L account
                • assignments (such as the fund) to limit the number of items in theworklist.
                  • You can also restrict work item selection by using field 'Run-ID'. This
                  • field is used to pool documents by use case.

                    After execution, you see the partial payment by G/L account assignmenttransaction list. You can edit the amount of line items, check, andpost the corresponding payment requests only in edit mode.
                    The partial payment by G/L account assignment screen has foursubscreens, the work items in the middle, which describes the majoracquisition screen.

                    • Display/Change

                    • This button switches the mode between Display and Edit.
                      • Refresh work items

                      • This button reselects the invoices based on the given criteria on theselection screen. It deletes work items of documents balanced duringprocessing of partial payments by fund. It refreshes the assigneddocuments of the selected invoice line.
                        • Compute amount

                        • Compute the remaining amount of marked work item (taking account ofpayment requests, partial payments, and credit memos). You mustcompute amounts before doing any more work on the relevant work items.
                          • Delete work item

                          • With this function, you can reduce the number of work items and set thefocus on relevant items only.
                            • Assigned documents

                            • Display assignend document in a separate dialog box. You can only dothis for one line at a time.
                              • Simulate document posting

                              • Post

                              • Check and post selected items.
                                • Message Log

                                • If any documents are not shown or are not suitable in FMPP process inthe document selection, detailed reasons for this are given in a messagelog.
                                  At the bottom of the screen, there is a monitor of item amounts andadditonal data of the current line item. Here you can enter additionaldata for creating partial payment requests.