SAP Program FMPEB_TAXLIST - Partly Exempt Organizations: Tax Totals

The program generates a list of all tax information for institutionspartially exempt from tax structured according to

  • Tax code

  • Base amount

  • Deductible and non-deductible tax portion

  • Account assignment

  • The list contains the posting information summarized on the basis ofaccount assignments.

    In Customizing of Financial Accounting (new) under GeneralLedger Accounting (new) -> Periodic Processing -> Report-> Partially Tax-Exempt Institutions you defined the basicsettings for partially tax-exempt institutions. UnderAssign Tax Codes you assigned the partiallytax-exempt institutions to a tax code.

    In addition to the standard selection according to company code, fiscalyear, institution, posting date and period, and document number, you canalso use free selections. You can also specify a layout for the outputlist

    The list shows the tax amounts per account assignment, institution andtax code, that is, all lines in the document with the same accountassignment and tax code are issued in one line in the list. In additionto the tax base amount, the list contains the deductible andnon-deductible tax portions. All amounts are given in the company codecurrency.