SAP Program FMKF_REPORT01 - Key Figures Reporting Tool

With this report, you can display key figures for a selected range of FMaccount assignments.

You have defined key figures in FM Customizing under Budget ControlSystem (BCS) -> BCS-Budgeting -> Define Key Figures.

The report displays in different columns the values of up touser-defined five key figures. Subtotals are calculated for each FMaccount assignment element. Additionally, the following options can beused to adjust the layout of the data output plus the subtotalling:
Column order
You can define the order of the FM account assignment elements that isto appear on the list output.
Note that this also determines the order in which the subtotals arecalculated. Specifically, the key figure value of the FM accountassignment element with the highest number will contain the sum for allunderlying elements and so forth.
Force column output
FM account assignment elements for which only one value was selectedapply to all of the selected FM account assignments. For this reasonthey are not displayed as columns, but appear in the report header bydefault. In certain cases if this is not desired, you can change it bymarking the corresponding checkbox Force Column Output.
The totaling of key figures per FM account assignment element andtotaling order can be adjusted.

The selection screen contains four sections in which you enter selectioncriteria and further options:

  • Fiscal year, budget category and version.

  • You can limit the FM account assignments in question by using selection
  • options or the multiple selection tool.
    • Up to five key figures for which the values should be displayed

    • Before running the report, you can choose the layout which will be used
    • in the ALV List.

      The output screen contains two sections:
      Report header
      Besides the FM area, fiscal year, budget category and version, those FMaccount assignment elements are displayed for which only one value wasselected.
      Report list
      The selected FM account assignments are displayed as key columns plusone value column per specified key figure. A toolbar provides a basiclist functionality for searching, printing and layout changing on top ofthe list.
      Besides the subtotals per FM account assignment element, a supplementaryline is displayed with the total value for all selected FM accountassignments on top of the list.
      Lines item drilldown report
      You can access the line-item drilldown report by double-clicking on thevalue of an end node.
      Note that the sign convention used by the drilldown report is differentfrom that used in the key figure report.
      In order to keep the same sign convention, a new parameter has thereforebeen added to the selection screen. This parameter is called "Convertsign to user interface for line-item drilldown report".

      The version specified on the entry screen is only taken into account forthe key figure value calculation if the # sign is used inthe key figure definition for the field version. If instead a fixedversion was specified in the key figure definition, this version will betaken and not the one from the entry screen.
      If you have defined a key figure with only FMIT as a datasource, you candisplay the posting value without any budget values. However, it isimportant to note that the selection criteria you enter corresponds tothe budget address and not to the posting address. So, in order todisplay posting data, you must enter the budget address to be derivedafterwards in the posting address.

      In order to compare versions, you must define specific key figures forwhich the different versions are explicitly defined in terms of thecorresponding key figures.